Chapter 7

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"Why are you so sure she'll come?" My brother asked me, propping his newly injured leg up on the chair in front of us.

"Because I know Lynnie," I said, tapping my head. "She'll think by not coming, I win, and she never loses."

Jobe rolled his eyes. "You haven't seen her in years, and you left it pretty bad."

"Don't doubt me," I replied as I lay back in the comfy plane chair. "She'll see me play and score a few goals and fall right back in love with me."

"You realise you're playing Barcelona right?" He laughed. "This isn't going to be a nice easy game, if you're not careful, you'll get punched."

I sighed as the pilot announced we were taking off in a few minutes. It was just after 10 in the morning, over 7 hours since I'd dropped off Lynnie's present, I doubted she was even awake. I smiled to myself as I pictured her opening it and realising what I'd done.

"Oh jeez, you actually love her don't you," Jobe smiled and pushed my arm.

"Love is a strong word."

"Oh Jude," he grinned at me, clearly enjoying this. "She has a boyfriend, and she's happier than she's been in a long time, because," he pointed at me accusingly, "you left her alone."

I looked away. "Yeah, that keeps coming back to me."

The plane took off the few seconds after and then we were flying through the sky across the across England. Jobe looked at me again. "I don't get it."

I leant back in the seat, and waited for the oncoming question.

"You ignore Evelyn, but now you want her back?"

"What happened to you?" I laughed. "You used to agree with everything I said and follow me round like a shadow."

"Only because I wanted to play football," he pointed at you.

"Sure," I replied sarcastically. "I'm going to go to the other side of the plane, and guess what?"


"You can't follow me," I pushed my little brother's head and walked away before he could complain.

Barcelona vs Real Madrid

We won, barely, but we still won. 2-1 and I scored another last minute goal.

I had the chance to look up at the box in the split second before my teammates launched on me. I saw Lynnie sat next to my brother, talking and laughing, not even looking at the pitch. It annoyed me a ridiculous amount.

After the game, after the celebration in with the team, I made my way up to the box, carefully avoiding any Barcelona fans, and walked in.

Lynnie was sat by the window, still talking to Jobe, I didn't really know what they had to talk about. They had nothing in common. I nearly hit myself. Was I really jealous of my little brother?

She turned around and looked up at me, big brown eyes glowing in the dimming light. I watched her sigh and Jobe muttered something. She hit his head lightly and got up and walked towards me.

It is as if she was an angel, the light splayed out behind her, drawing all my attention to the way she moved. I watched as all my happiness floated out of my and exploded in front of my eyes.

John appeared next to her, putting and hand on her shoulder, looking into her eyes, making her smile. My blood was at boiling point.

Lynnie turned her attention back to me. "Thank you for the tickets," she nodded at me.

"You're welcome," I drew my eyes level with John. "I didn't think you'd come."

That was a lie, I knew she would. I still knew her better than anyone, I just had to prove it to her. But not here, not in front of John, who was eyeing me as much as I was.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said, wrapping his arm around Lynnie's shoulder as if he was making me aware of his presence.

"John's grandfather is a big Madrid fan, they used to sponsor the team," Lynnie smiled at me.

"Well," I said, realising that this was not going to be as easy as I first thought. "I'll see you soon then."

As I walked past them, I noticed her neck. The necklace I had bought for her. I smiled to myself and sat down next to my brother.

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