"At the very least, that makes her better than her father."

"Almost anyone is better than that bastard. Outside of the Lannisters, Tyrion excluded." Oberyn commented.

"Very true," Doran agreed. "How is the dwarf handling his appointment as Hand?"

"It is tough to say." Ellaria told him. "He does his best to help her keep true to her values or not harming innocents unnecessarily. But, he did ignore a warning from his niece. Which resulted in the capture of us and Yara. Not to mention the death of the Queen of Thorns."

"Didn't they take Casterly Rock?" Nymeria asked.

"Simply because they could, yes. It held no significant value. Their mines have run dry. Princess Aelinor warned them of this as well."

"And they took majority of their men and all their food." Doran added. "Then, majority of their fleet sunken or burned."

"Perhaps they should have heede the Princess' words," Obara added.

"There is underlying tension between Daenerys and Aelinor. I suspect it is because Aelinor is the daughter of the man who tried to have her murdered and stole her family's throne. But, she is also her sister-by-law."

"Things are not looking good for her."

"Last I heard, they invited Ned Stark's bastard to Dragonstone." Doran regarded.

"What do they want with a bastard?" Oberyn asked.

"The North is insistent on retaining their independence." He looked at all of them. "There is no love lost between us and any of their families. In one way or another, their families have harmed us, but just like Princess Myrcella, they are not their families. We must decide who we are to support."

"They both have dragons. You don't think we'll have another Dance of the Dragons, do you, Uncle?" Tyene spoke for the first time that day.

"I hope not," he said. "But, the kingdoms yearn for a good, strong, just ruler. I can't remember the last one we had."

"I only know what my sister is like so I'm not sure I can be of much help." Myrcella said.

"Quite the opposite, actually. You can give us an insight for those of who haven't met or don't know her well. The same goes for Daenerys."

"My sister's work with the smallfolk is done with pure intentions. She doesn't help them because wants them to like her or expect anything in return. She helps them because she acknowledges the privilege of her birth; being born to the royal family. None of my parents cared much about the smallfolk. But, Aelinor wished for her siblings to appreciate having a roof over our head, food in our bellies, clothes without holes. She balances kindness with justice. When she knows there is something wrong, she won't sit by and watch. She speaks up, even if there are consequences."

"What about her skills with a blade?" Obara asked.

"She is very skilled. She can fight with two swords. Apparently she was inspired by Ser Arthur Dayne. Everyone agreed, had she been born a boy, she would be a near perfect heir."

Doran turned to Arianne. "What do you think of Daenerys?"

"From what I've told, her mission has changed drastically. At first, she only wanted to return home. Her brother had grown to be cruel and abusive. He married her off for an army. But, she adapted and fell in love with her husband. Shortly before he died, he promised to cross the Narrow Sea and help her regain the Iron Throne. She has goals, but no clear plans to achieve them. She has a great perception that she is good and right because of the things she has done; freeing slaves, killing the masters. She wants to rule a country she's nevr lived in, not only because she believes she can do better, but she views it as her right."

"How can it be her right if she has an older living brother?" Myrcella asked.

"In Dorne, we don't care about that. But, elsewhere they do. She was under the impression all of her brothers were dead, leaving her as the sole heir of House Targaryen, and the only one who could reclaim their family throne. Where she shows kindness, she is also thoughtless. Much of which is not her fault, having not received a formal education. But, her plans are rather short term. Her ultimate goal is to sit the Iron Throne, which, now that her brother has relinquished his claim-"

"He has not formally abdicated," Nymeria interjected.

"No, he has not."

"And some would say his wife has a claim as the eldest child of Robert Baratheon. With their combined claims, it would be enough to crush any resistance to their ascension."

"Plus, Aelinor has an heir and is pregnant. She can continue their line." Obara added.

"Yes, this is true," Arianne agreed. "Overall, she has a good heart, but much of her decisions are made in a moment of emotionalism."

"Her former Lady In Waiting is married to the head of House Velaryon, reuniting the ties between those houses." Oberyn said. "From what I hear, they have been attempting to accumulate their wealth and have amassed a large number of ships."

"Could they secretly be planning to claim the Throne?" Tyene asked.

"I don't think so," Myrcella responded. "Becoming a mother has changed my sister. If she was fierce beforr, then she is fierce in a different way. She would not willfully put her child or children in harm's way to claim the throne. The power of the throne does not call to her in the way it does so many others. She does not view it as her right to sit the throne, but a duty that falls to her as the only child of her father."

It was the first time she openly admitted her heritage in front of anyone.

But, the Dornish were the most accepting of all the Kingdoms.

"On the outward appearance, Princess Aelinor could be considered the better ruler. Her actions may not have been as outwardly obvious as Daenerys' liberation in the Free Cities, but that does not make them any less impressive. Sometimes, subtlety is the better route."

Indeed, it was.

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