Chapter 12: Beelzebub - Wrong Ingredient

Start from the beginning

"Breathe Beel, breathe!"

He uncovered his face and took a deep inhale, slowly returning to normal.

"Was I in the bathroom for too long?"

He continued to take a few deep breaths, then suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and said, "Let's eat!"

He yanked me towards the tray of food on my bed and almost instantly started devouring each and every single piece of food in sight...and so did I.

Both MC and Beel indulged most of the food on the first tray. At one point, MC got full and could no longer take another bite, in which she told Beel to finish the food remaining.

After I had my fill, I sat on my bed, resting against my pillows. I held my stomach and closed my eyes for a few moments, taking a few deep breaths. I think I might've overdone it.

I gently caressed my full stomach, trying to relax. I slowly started to feel sleepy, then suddenly, the exhaustion vanished. I started to feel a little warm despite not being covered in my blanket. I opened my eyes and glanced in Beel's direction, seeing him gathering all of the empty dishes and stacking them on the trays.

As I gazed at him, I felt something strange.

He finished gathering the plates and stacked them on one of the trays, picking it up effortlessly. Once he turned around and looked in my direction, I felt my face suddenly warm up.

"I'll be right back for the rest of the dishes," he said.

Before he could leave, I quickly got up and said, "Wait! Let me help you!" What was that MC? Why did I sound...desperate?

"Uh, sure. Okay," he answered.

I gathered as many dishes as I could onto the tray, then followed his lead. As we made our way to the kitchen, I felt my body get warmer and warmer with each passing second. Why am I feeling this way?

When we got there, I saw the mess Beel had left behind. Pieces of veggies, flour, seasonings, and utensils were all scattered about the counters.

As I approached the sink to start cleaning up, I saw a small bottle covered in flour beside it. I picked it up and wiped it with my hands to see what it was. My eyes widened.

"Uhh, Beel?"


"Please tell me you didn't use this in any of the meals you made!" I turned around, holding up the almost empty bottle of Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup in my hand. As soon as he saw it, he froze.

He started to think back on what he took out from the cupboards. All he remembers is taking out a bunch of spice and seasonings and using them in different foods. Since he was so eager to make food for him and MC to enjoy together, he paid no mind to some of the seasonings he used. When he saw MC hold up the bottle, it started to click.

He accidentally used the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup in most of the foods MC ate.

I bit my bottom lip and turned around. My face is so hot. I put the bottle on the messy counter, clenched my eyes shut and said, "Beel, quick, get the antidote! It should be in Lucifer's study."

Instead of hearing quick footsteps dashing out of the kitchen, I heard slow steps approach me from behind. I suddenly felt two hands land on my waist, gripping me gently. My breath hitched at the sudden contact.

"Beel please, go and get—"

He pulled me close to him, making me feel his sculpted build on my back. He nestled his face into the crook of my neck and said softly, "You smell so good."

He suddenly turned me around, making me face him. Oh no! Did he accidentally have some too?

He quickly picked me up and sat me down on the counter, then nestled his face into the crook of my neck again, inhaling deeply. Suddenly, I felt his lips touch my skin, sending a strong shiver down my spine.

My body was burning with need.

Every touch, no matter how soft, how delicate, was adding more and more fuel to the fire.

I reached for and pulled his hair, separating him from my neck. As soon as I saw his face, I held the back of his head and smashed my lips onto his, kissing him with pure passion.

He responded, gripping my waist tighter and leaning into me, making the back of my head rest against one of the cupboards. He suddenly let go of my hips, only to reach for my arms and wrap them around him. I held him tight, not wanting to separate from him for even a split second. He then reached for and made me wrap my legs around him. Beel suddenly lifted me off of the counter and held my thighs, carrying me back to my bedroom.


I laid atop him, exhausted. He covered us more with my blankets, holding me gently, caressing my back. I looked up at him and noticed that his horns had disappeared.

"How do you feel?" he asked. I simply stared at him through half-lidded eyes. We did it so much yet-

"Are you okay MC?"

I swallowed hard.

The way he says my name...his kindness...his smile...his everything...I want his everything!

I moved his hand off me and repositioned it, holding his wrist beside his head against the bed.

"MC, what are you-"

"Beelzebub, I want more~"

MC got off him and positioned herself again, catching Beelzebub off guard.

"Note to self: Always check that I have the right seasonings," Beel thought as MC ravaged him.

She took the lead from this point forward, bringing Beelzebub to the point of overstimulation multiple times.

Never in his life did he think that a human—his human—would be more of a glutton than him in anything.

The next day...

When I woke up, I felt so sore. What happened? I thought the potions Solomon gave me worked. I slowly sat up and looked around, seeing how clean my room was. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

I watched the door open and saw Asmo and Belphie come in.

"Good morning MC~!" Asmo greeted.

He immediately dashed towards my side, grabbed my hand and said softly, "Who would've known that a human would make the Avatar of Gluttony not want to eat or be active..."

I furrowed my brows at him. "What are you talking about?"

He proceeded to uncover me and made me stand. "Ow! Asmo! I'm very sore! I don't think that Solomon's potions worked."

"Oh honey, your soreness isn't because of that~"

"Belphie, what is he insinuating?" I asked, glancing at him. Belphie avoided eye contact and shied away from me.

Asmo proceeded to yank my arm and took me to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, he said provocatively, "Do you see what I see?"

I glanced at him, annoyed, but then followed his gaze through the mirror. I glanced at myself...then saw it. My eyes widened. I saw a massive mark on my neck. I immediately covered it and turned around. Asmodeus moved my hand and stared at it in awe.

"What the hell happened?!"

He smiled at me and said, "What happened my dear, is that you received a special love mark from the Avatar of Gluttony himself."

Right when he said that, I felt my face warm in utter embarrassment. That...wasn't a dream?!

Asmo noticed MC's reaction and couldn't help but feel excited in his own right. He got close to her ear and said softly,

"I wonder when you'll give me a chance..."

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