Don't do drugs kids

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I lay in my bed. It's 10 o'clock and my heart is racing. A few days ago, I got invited to my first house party by an acquaintance, and you'd best believe I was excited. As I listen to my parents get ready to sleep, I try to stay calm as I do my makeup. I get dressed into a cute cropped top and skirt, and pack some things into my purse. I sit on my bed, scrolling through my phone, both procrastinating leaving and waiting for a message from my acquaintance who's bringing me to the party. "K I'm parked down the street" I see the message pop up at the top of my screen. I take a deep breath before quietly opening my door. This is my first time sneaking out as well, adding to the adrenaline. I sneak through the house, past my parents room, and down the stairs, to the door. My body freezes at every creak in the floorboards. I get to the front door and slowly open it, when a car loudly passes and I close the door quickly. I open the door again fully and rush out, before once again slowly closing it behind me. Once I get out, I take a deep breath of the chilly night air. "I did it!!!" I yell quietly as I pump my arms into the air. I quickly rush off of my property and to my acquaintances car, before squeezing in with the 3 other people carpooling. We drive with music blasting, everyone tipsily singing along. We get to the house and everyone pours out of the car. You can hear the music blasting from outside of the house. "How haven't they gotten a noise complaint yet??" I think out loud, before my attention is quickly grabbed by one of the girls walking towards the door. She's the girl I've had a crush on for a while now, but my antisocial self was almost never able to bring myself to talk to her. I watch with my mouth slightly agape as she walks in. I take a deep breath before speedwalking towards the door. 'This is it. This is the new me. I'm not gonna pussy out anymore!' I think to myself. I walk in and look around. There's at least 50 people, stuffed into a small house. I'm immediately overwhelmed and my claustrophobia sets in, but then I catch sight of her again by a table covered in snacks and drinks. I walk over and grab a cup that I fill with punch, and a couple cookies. As I reach for the cookies, I'm standing right beside her, and I can feel my face flush. She looks over and out of the corner of my eye I see her eyebrows raise. "Oh, hey! Good to see a farmilliar face." I look over, surprised she talked to me first. I can tell that my face is still flushed so I try to hide it behind my hand. "Ah, hi! Yeah, I've only been here for a minute though, and I can already tell that most of these people aren't from school." I look around the room. "I only really recognize like 5 of them, and then you. Isn't this kinda unsafe though? I can tell that a lot of them are much older..." I ramble on, my heart racing. I almost never get to talk to her. I look back over at her, and she's just staring at me. I feel my cheeks burn up once again after calming down. "A-ah, sorry. There's a lot of people and I'm a little overwhelmed so I'm rambling" I scratch the back of my head and grin guiltily. "It's fine" She looks back away. "Oh, I see my friend again. See you!" She walks away before I can reply. "Goddamnit, I fucked this up again didn't I...." I feel tears slightly swell in my eyes, before chugging the juice that was still in my hands. The second I stopped chugging and tasted it for a moment, I could tell it was spiked. I look at my cup for a moment, before filling it back up. 'I could really use this right now...' I chug that glass as well and eat a couple of the cookies there. Once I fill my cup again to sip on, I walk away to go see if I can find anyone I know. As I walk, I can feel myself slowly getting more dizzy. 'Maybe that stuff was a little stronger than I realized' I slowly stumble towards the stairs leading up, and I take a seat. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears and my vision blurs. "Uhm, I think there was a little more than alcohol in there" I hold my head in my hands as I talk to myself. I look back up, and I once again spot her. In my high, overconfident state, I strut confidently over to her. Or at least try. I walk into at least 3 people before reaching her. Just as I make it to her, the friend she was talking to walks away and she is left alone, standing against a wall. "Hhheyyyy...." I hear my voice slur as I stand over her, placing my hand on her shoulder. "The fuck happened to you??" She backs up slightly, but her backs pressed against the wall. I look her in the eyes and my cheeks flush red, but I don't bother covering my face. I stumble over my own foot and suddenly my face is directly in front of hers, my arm against the wall, beside her head. The second I realize what happened I shoot myself back as I sober up immediately. "Oh fuck, I am SO sorry." I say to her, my eyes wide in surprise. She stands still, not moving a muscle. "Uh-" she wraps her arms around her stomach, and looks up at me. It might be my imagination, but her cheeks look more pink than usual. "I-its okay" She pauses for a moment as I stare at her. "Are you alright though?? You're red as shit." She steps forward and places a hand on my face to feel my temperature. I turn my head quickly to the side and cover my entire face with my hands. My heart races faster than it ever has before. "I-im fine!! The punch is spiked, and I think there was something in the cookies." I look over at her, now only covering my cheeks, and I see her concern on her face. Suddenly, I feel a wave of dizziness and my eyes go staticy. "Actually... sssspeaking of..." my voice goes quieter and quieter until I can't tell if I'm actually talking or not. "Immm gonna take a nnnnap..." and everything goes black.

When I wake up, I'm in different clothes, in an unrecognized room. I shoot up and look around. 'Where am I??' I look down at the shirt that I am now wearing, and pull it up to my nose. "It smells like..." her. I could recognize her smell anywhere. 'But, why would I be in her clothes??? What the hell happened last night?' I look down at my hands. 'Please tell me I didn't fuck something up' I stand up, but feel my head pound hard so I sit back down. I try to remember the night before, but I can only remember up to talking to her at the table. I try standing again slowly, and eventually make my way to the door. I walk down the hallway, as I hear noises. I turn into the kitchen and see her standing, eating cereal. I step into the kitchen and the floor creaks, and she whips her head around. "Oh, you're up" She quickly walks to a cupboard and does something as I look around. I turn back to her to see her placing a pill and a glass of water in front of me. "You're probably pretty hung over, huh?" I stare down at it for a moment as she looks at me. I look back up at her. "Uhm.... what happened?" I blush slightly as I grab the shirt I'm wearing. "Oh, uh" I watch as her eyes widen as she realizes how it seems. "Its not what it looks like!! I promise!" She waves her hands in front of herself. "You passed out at the party and spilled the punch on yourself, so me and my friends dragged you to my place and I changed you so you weren't sleeping in soggy clothes" She frantically explains. "Ah, makes sense" I take the pill and chug the water. "I'm really so so so sorry!!" I drop to my knees suddenly and stare at the ground. "I'm so embarrassed..." "no! No no no!!!" She hurriedly grabs my shirt to pull me off the ground and onto my feet. "You're fine. It's fine." She unintentionally rests her hands on my chest while trying to calm me down, and obviously my face proceeds to shine a brighter red then Rudolph's nose. "U-uhm" I stutter in surprise for a moment before she notices and immediately retracts her hands. This time I can visibly see her cheeks turn a shade brighter. 'Does...does she like me back....?' I cross my arms and look her in the eyes. "I really am sorry for causing you all that trouble last night.... is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I ask sincerely. I feel as the atmosphere slightly tenses, and I see her fingers shaking as she reaches up to scratch her face. "Well uh...." she hesitates as I continue to look at her. "How about a kiss...?" She said sheepishly. Caught completely off guard, my mouth drops. This girl, who I've liked for a while, largely because of her loud, confident, motivational personality, just quietly and sheepishly asked me for a kiss? I take a moment to compute in my brain, before I grab the side of her face and pull her in for a deep kiss. After a moment of shock she wraps her arms around my head to reciprocate this kiss. 'I hope this never ends...'

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