||The reader & Narrator.||

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"Who are you?" Camilo asked, trying to sound threatening. The family bunching up together in a fight stance.
"We don't have our gifts now but I swear  try to hurt us and-"

"Calm down... I'm not going to hurt you. And put that hand down Alma."

"How did you-" Alma looked at Mirabel, and eyerolled before putting her hand down. "Answer us! Who are you?" Felix shouted looking around.

"I'm called alot of things, Narrator, God, Author, Creator-"

"You created the world?!" Antonio gasped, the family looking around in shock.

"AY- no. I didn't Create YOU guys, can't take that credit-"

"God did then? Your not God are you?" Isabella snapped.

"Rude much... but Disney created you guys, I ju- AHCK were getting off track. The reader is getting bored."

"Whos this Disney-?Wait reader? Wer-"

"You may call me Divine. I'm your- uh. Let say Narrator."

"Get to the point." Julieta and Pepa Groaned and the Madrigals rested still bunched up leaving Mirabel out.

"Well, first of all. Your in a situation where I help you learn your mistakes, basically showing you your wrongs"

"We're Madrigals! We haven't done anything wrong!" Alma shouted, Mirabel Clearing her throat making everyone look at her.

"Well... there is alot of things. And you'll have to go through some... worlds. To get through it."

"What worlds?" Luisa looked up a bit confused and worried.

"Alternate universes. Where everything is completely different. "

"What?! That's possible-?!"


A large portal appears on the wall of the room. "AH-" Mirabel slips the portal taking half her body in. Antonio was holding onto her for dear life.

"Mira! Don't let go-!" Antonio squeal and  Felix, Augustin and Luisa ran to hold him back the portal somehow very strong.

"I-IM. TRYI-AHH!" Mirabels heart pounding, the rest of the family still frozen in shock Miras hand slipped a bit from Antonios hand.

"Don't let go!"

"Ahhh jack Don't let goo-"

"What?" Antonio looked up in confusion  before looking back at Mirabel with a worried look.

"Just let go Antonio-" Mirabel Smiled softly. "WHAT?! NO NO DONT LET GO!" Camilo shouted snapping out of the shocked Trance. "YEAH ARE YOU CRAZY??" Dolores Shouted aswell.

"A little-" Mirabel Slightly giggled before slipping off Antonios hands. Sucked into the portal, Antonio, Felix and Augustin jumped and stumbled back.

Madrigals sitting in shock.
"We- just-.." Julieta covered her mouth
"Do we go in?" Luisa said hesitantly.

Isabella walked near the portal. Far enough not to be sucked in.
"It's our only way out."

"Let's go. We need to find Mirabel."

|| INTO THE ENCANTO-VERSE || Encanto Fanfic||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon