The woman pet the bunny, working her fingers across his pretty coat, smiling softly to herself as the animal seemed to enjoy her presents.

"So this is what you like to do in your free time," a British accent calls.

Elaine looks up to see Klaus leaning against a tree, a smile evident on his rosey pink lips.

The hybrid couldn't help but admire the woman. She wore a beautiful cream white dress with pink flowers tattered across the cloth, and her golden hair bounced off her shoulders. Her lips were parted before forming a small smile, and Klaus felt his cheeks turn red at the mere sight of her.

So many times, the two had spent running through the forest, laying in the grass when they got tired and playing in the lakes. Kissing each other's lips and talking about everything and nothing until stars littered the dark blue sky.

"Well, you caught me," she jokes. "I also like running into strangers in the forest."

Klaus's smile grows. "What brings you out here?" Elaine questions.

I wanted to make sure you were okay. You're alone out here in a town swarming with vampires. Even if I had gone to extreme lengths to ensure every supernatural being never harms you, it's worrisome.

"Well, I came to see some plants, I'm moving into a house with a greenhouse, so I wanted to find some ideas on what to grow." He lies. It wasn't totally untrue. Klaus had already made sure to include a huge library and greenhouse in his new house. If Elaine was going to visit and hopefully eventually move in, if she wanted, he was going to make sure she's happy.

Elaine nods in acknowledgment, and for the first time, Klaus notices the bunny in her hands. The animal had a pretty coat of white with tatering patches of a golden brown that made the bunny look enchanting while his ears flopped down in an adorable manner.

"Who's your little friend?" Klaus inquires.

"Oh, I just met him." The blonde answers, "Come sit," she enthused.

"Oh, I don't know," the hybrid says softly. "I don't wanna scare him."

"Truth be told, you're not so scary when you smile," She teases before patting the empty patch of grass beside her. "You just gotta be gentle."

Klaus pauses a beat before slowly making his way toward her. The closeness made his heart hammer in his chest, sitting so close he could notice more of the blonde's face. The way her eyes danced with light even when next to a devil like him. She had a small dimple on her right cheek that made her smile far more adorable, and Nik could feel her warmth from where he sat.

On the other hand, Elaine's cheeks blushed a rosey pink as the hybrid stared at her. The bunny remained calm in the blonde's hands, and she hesitantly reached touching Klaus's.

Elaine's hands were warm against his cold ones, and she guided his hand to pet the bunny.

Klaus follows along with her movement, thrilled and nervous to be so close to her. No matter how long it was, Elaine always made the hybrids breathe uneasily, and his heart felt so warm.

"He likes you," She comments softly, and for once, Klaus notices how the bunny leans into his pets.

Klaus smiles. The man was so used to people trembling in his wake. It seemed he could only cause destruction, but next to Elaine, he finally felt like a person.

"Only because you're here, love," the hybrid mumbles softly, glancing at the blonde's beautiful eyes that looked like a soft green in the golden sunlight. Elaine smiles at him. "Aren't you charming?"

"I have my wit when I want," the hybrid responds, smiling at the amusement drawn on the blonde's eyes.

"Have you ever had a pet?" The hybrid asks after a soft beat of silence.

"No, but I've always wanted one, have you?".

"I had a horse once," Klaus comments.

Elaine looks up with curious eyes. "I've always preferred animals to people. They're more loyal," he says softly.

"You just haven't met the right people yet," Elaine concludes.

Klaus looks at the blonde. "Many people are disloyal, I'm human but I've lived a long time, perhaps 900 years maybe more, the point is I've met a lot of people and they can be very disappointing but sometimes, even when your not looking for them you meet the right person and along the way you realize maybe it was worth the wait".

Klaus smiles at that. Elaine had always had such a positive outlook on things. "You certainly have a way with words of love." Elaine smiles up at the brunette. She takes a moment to admire him, his light curly hair and the way his eyes softened upon looking at her, yet there was still a hint of the devil in them. Elaine never did understand the allure of darkness, well, until she met Klaus.

The blonde had to admit she was intrigued by the hybrid. His soft smile every time he looked at her and his teasing was nothing like her friends described him to be. It was odd.

The blonde decided to just enjoy the company of the hybrid, and the two spent the afternoon teasing and talking as if they were old friends.


"You're so coming," Caroline demands. Elaine laughs softly. "Why can't we just stay in a binge movie? I'll even let you pick, plus Bonnie and Elena also love this plan," the blonde tries to convince

"That's why we're all going together. It's memories Elaine this is homecoming for goodness sake," Care points out.

Elaine rolls her eyes fondly at her stubborn friend.

"Plus, it's an excuse to wear a dress. I know how much you love dressing up. " The blonde can hear the smile in her friend's voice.

"Fine I'll go but you gotta stick with me Care plus I have a bad feeling about tonight, Elena seemed nervous, kinda secretive and Bonnie keeps insisting to just stay in" the blonde voices her thoughts to her friend while looking through the jewelry on her dresser.

"Of course she's a bit on edge. Stefan's humanity is still off, and if they were planning something, they would tell us, right?" The vampire sounded a little less convinced at the end.

Elaine sighs. "I don't know, let's just go and have fun. I'm sure if they are keeping something from us, it's for good reason," the human concludes. Caroline hums in agreement.

✔️INTERTWINED HEARTS; Niklaus Mikaelson (1)Where stories live. Discover now