Chapter 3

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     Two hours passed and there was a knock on the door. Roses Dad answered it and two men stood at the door, looking like body guards. Ben came up from behind Rose's Dad and said "Mr. Laurence they just need to walk through the house if you don't mind. It's just to make sure everything is clear." One of the men pulled out a badge.

     "Ummmmm.... Sure, as long, as they don't touch anything." He stepped aside and the men quickly swiped the house and then walked outside. Ben had gone to the side of the long black limo and as soon as the guard got to the door of the limo he opened it. Ben bowed down as a black polished shoe hit the ground, then a man emerged from the limo in a black tux. Then a woman in a long black tight dress stepped out. The man had brown hair that matched Rose's and dark brown eyes. The women had reddish brown log wavy hair and bright blue eyes. But when Mr. Laurence saw her face his mouth dropped she looked dead on like Rose just different hair and eye color but all the same features.
They walked up to the door with Ben behind them. "Where is she!" the man said in a demanding tone. Roses Dad froze, who did this man think he was? He stepped up on the porch almost toe to toe with Mr. Laurence.

     "Now listen here......" Mr. Laurence said stepping up closing in the little space that was between them.

     "JOSH!!" Mrs. Laurence walked up behind him pulling him back. "Hi my name is Kim and this is my husband Josh."

     Right about then the women stepped in front of the man. "Hello I am Grace-Ann." Then women shock hands. "This is Edward, and excuse him, it's just been 17 years and we finally found our baby."

     "I understand but she has taken a lot in. We all have, but she is sleeping. She needs to rest before she meets y'all. Would you like some coffee? Plus I think would be best if we all talked before she wakes up." Kim said trying to keep things calm.

     They agreed and all went inside and talked. They told the king and queen how they were at church and had found Rose in a basket with a note that only said the word Rose on it and her birthday. They had looked for her parents for two years but then decided it was time to quite after that point and made her their own.

     Then the king and queen explained how Rose was taken away just a week after being born and they have been looking ever since.

     After a few hours of Kim pulling out old pictures of Rose and her life and telling stories Rose emerged from her room.

     Her brown hair had become a wavy mess, and her eyes still half shut. The look on her face clearly showed that she wasn't fully awake.

     When Ben looked up he froze, Rose was rubbing both her eyes and she looked so beautiful that he felt like his heart skipped a couple of beats. After a minute, everyone else looked up and realized her presents.

     "Rose meet Grace-Ann and Edward, your biological parents." Roses eyes widen as her mom guided her to them. The King and Queen stood up and shock her hand. Rose stared at them in awe they both looked just like her. 

     "Edward look at her, our baby at last." Grace-Ann grabbed Edwards hand as he looked at his long-lost daughter.

     Grace-Ann then stepped forwarded and hugged Rose, but Rose didn't move she just stood frozen not knowing what to do. She finally moved her arms around the women and hugged her back. It felt weird and familiar all at the same time. Grace-Ann smelled like Vanilla which had always been a smell that Rose loved and made her comfortable. Rose had Vanilla shampoo, body spray, lotion, and candles that she would light when ever she was having a bad day to help relax her. Rose relaxed into the hug and gave a tight squeeze back. Soon Grace-Ann let go and stood back just looking at Rose.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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