"I know what it is," she snaps back. "I just can't believe you allowed her talk you into this. I'm disappointed ," she continues, a smirk lurking at the corners of her lips.

"Hey, when you girlfriend tells you she wants to wear matching onesies to watch a movie, you put on matching onesies and you make her happy," he tells her gently, reaching out to ruffle my hair slightly.

"Exactly," I back him up, my heart swelling with pride at the girlfriend acknowledgement.

"Girlfriend," she scoffs. "Right, I'm not buying it," comes the sarcastic reply.
"Well, since you're awake now, you might as well sneak back out before mom finds out you were here," she cautions before leaving.

"Wow....your sister's really intense," he whispers the second the door clicks shut.

"You think? Trust me, you haven't even seen half of how intense Miranda can be."

"Remind me to never piss her off," he jokes and I let out a gentle laugh.

"I gotta get home now, Mandy."

"Already?" I find myself asking, which surprises us both, because I didn't intend to make my disappointment so obvious.

A curious expression takes over his features as he strides across the room to retrieve his shirt which hung on my closet door.

"Yes, Mandy, already....as unfortunate as that is."
He turns his back to me as he slips out of the onesie and I try not to stare by busying myself with folding the blanket, but my plan fails miserably and I'm soon drawn back to his bare torso.
I watch in awe as he swiftly puts his shirt back on, his muscles flexing with every single movement, sending a rush of excitement through my system.

"I'd love to stay, but I can't risk putting you into more trouble, Mandy."
He turns around to face me, his head lowered as he buttons up the shirt.

"I know." I try to sound cheerful but I wholeheartedly doubt that's the expression my face is showing.
"I'm glad you came over, Randy," I continue after a few seconds.

"I'm glad I did too, Mandy Betsy Turner."


"So, how was your night? Sleep well without the your phone?" Mom teases, bumping me playfully with her shoulder.

"You know, my night was actually great, mom," I respond, deciding not to give her the satisfaction she'd so hoped to gain.
And it's the truth.

"Because you had Randy over?"

"Yeah. We ha-" I halt immediately I realize what she said, and what I'd just confessed to.
My heart drops into my stomach instantly!


She turns to me with a smile.
"Why the surprised look? You think I don't know?"

"B...bu...but how? I stammer my response.

"What do you mean 'how'? This is my house, Mandy....nothing goes on under this roof without my knowledge," she goes on in her proud mom tone.

"But how did you know?" I ask, curiousity burning deep in my mind.
As far as I'm concerned, everything was carried out hush hush and so I didn't even think there'd be any possibility of mom finding out.

"Oh, you mean, aside your lame attempts at sneaking him out this morning by cornering me in my room to buy him time, suddenly being so interested in how my week went?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" I narrow my eyes at her but she just ignores me and goes on.
"I felt bad for taking your phone away so I came back around midnight when I was sure you'd be fast asleep, to quietly slip it into your desk drawer. Imagine my surprise when I push the door open to find Randy in your -"

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