alisha: is something wrong

william: of course the brunch i will be talking with bart...about a possible merger of our companies...

emily: and hopefully...a merger of families...

[alisha then sighs]

alsiha: mom..we got the rest of our lives to worry about that

emily: i takes plan a wedding...start a family...

william: your mother is right to get a start on these then later

[alisha then nods and looks back at the mirror]

[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - BALL ROOM - Dan and Serena stand at the entrance, Dan looks a little overwhelmed, there are models painted white to pose as statues, Howie Archibald, Bart Brass, William, Emily and Lily are all there, Nate, Chuck, Alisha,  Blair, Katy and Isabel are sitting together laughing and drinking, Blair notices Serena and her mouth drops]

Serena: You know, maybe... maybe this was a... a bad idea.

[Back at the table]

Blair: You got to be kidding.

[Back at the entrance]

Dan: Yeah, this was... this was definitely a bad idea

[Back at the table, Chuck notices Dan]

Chuck: This should be fun.

alisha: hopefully...not too much..i would hate for the other brother to give you a black eye...again..

[alisha then gets up to get some coffee as chuck follows her]

chuck: how long are you going to stay mad at me

alisha: i haven't decided...[taking a cup] 

chuck: c'mon...can we just get along..for the sake of our parents

[chuck then caresses her arm as she smiles at him and pulls him in a kiss]

alisha: damn you bass

[chuck then smiles kissing alisha and they pull apart and see Dan turn around and the trio stare at each other for a while until Chuck turns to his father]

Bart: Charles!

[Bart turns away from Alisha who heads back over to the table]

Bart: Would you excuse me?

Guest: Of course.

Chuck: Father.

Bart: The, uh, the invitation said 'Black Tie' not 'Black Eye'. Are you ok? I mean if you're in some kind of trouble...

Chuck: Only of my own making.

Bart: Why do you think I do all this, hu? This party is for you. Ok, so you can meet people. You know, become a part of something, make some kind of change...propose to alisha...

Chuck: Really? I thought it was another excuse for an open bar and, eh, re-hiring the milanese statues.

Bart: Do me a favour, will you? Lose the scotch... it's barely noon.


[Chuck and alisha walk over to blair, nate , Dan and serena 

Chuck: And here I thought you were waiting for me.

Dan: Oh, exactly what the situation needs: Chuck. No what is going on here?

Blair: We were just getting to that.

Serena: Blair, please, don't do this.

Blair: Sorry, did you want to tell him?

Chuck: I'll tell him.

Nate and Blair: You know?

Alisha: he knows everything.

Dan: And apparently I know nothing.

Serena: Look, Dan, it was a long time ago and I regret it...

Chuck: Look, Serena, stop trying to pretend you're a good girl. So you slept with best friend's boyfriend. I kind of admire you for it.

[alisha then looks at chuck with a digusted look]

Dan: Is that true?

Blair: Well, than she ran away and lied about it. I just thought you should know before you fall head over heels for your perfect girl in her perfect world... and then get left all alone with no one but your 'Cabbage Patch Kid'.

alisha: 'Cabbage Patch'?

Dan: Did you talk to my sister?

Chuck: Ah, yes, little Jenny. Do believe she and I have some unfinished business.

[Dan walks up close to Chuck as alisha pulls him back]

Dan: You stay away from her.

Chuck: Poor devil, so little time so many sluts to fu...

[Dan pushes Chuck who crushes into a waiter causing him to fall down, all guests turn around to look at the scene, Katy is making photos with her cell phone while Isabel is texting and alisha storms off upset]

Dan: It's fine! It's fine! Everyone can stop looking. He's a jerk. But it's my fault and... and I'm leaving.

Serena: I'll go with you.

Dan: Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't.

[Dan walks off]

Nate: Hope you're happy.

Blair: Not even close.

[Blair walks off, Nate follows her]

Chuck: Looks like it's just you and me. Apparently my room's available if...

[serena then walks away]

serena: i don't even know how alisha deals with you


[alisha is standing outside the palace and see wyatt]

alisha: since when do you hang out near here

[wyatt then turns and sees her]

wyatt: got a text from dan...but can't seem to find him

alisha: he left a while ago..

wyatt: ah...ok..well i guess...i should go...

alisha: i guess you should

[the two then stare and smile at one another]

wyatt: i'll in school then

alisha: that you will

[wyatt then waves as alisha watches him leaves and she sighs when chuck walks over to her]

chuck: sorry you had to see that...i bet serena..will..think twice before bringing the new york trash to hang with the big leagues...

[alisha then scoffs and turns away]

chuck: what...its true..we live in a different world then them...

alisha: why because we have money...we can buy fancy things..

chuck: yes...what is your deal lately...

alisha: my deal...are you kidding are the one that tried sleeping with a 15 year old girl...then you egg on her brother to fight with you at another event...

chuck: c' know me...this is who i am

alisha: well its not what i want for my future..not for someone that is supposed to be my husband one day

[alisha then walks away as chuck storms back inside the hotel]

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