The Wild Brunch

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[Nate hangs up the phone and throws it onto the table, the noise wakes up Chuck who is lying in bed with two women]

Chuck: Nathaniel! Keep it down! Some of us are trying to regain our strenght.

Nate: You're dad's brunch is today.

Chuck: The alarm's set for nine.

Nate: It's ten.

[Chuck sighs, then raises and claps his hands, he has a black eye]

Chuck: Ladies, double time! Oh, unless... Nathaniel?

[Chuck points behind him at the two women]

Nate: I'm good. [The two women wear maid uniforms and Nate addresses them]

Nate: Actually, could you two bring some coffee when you get a chance? And some water, lots of water.

Maid: You want ice with that?

[She points at Chuck's black eye]

Maid: Looks like you could use some.

Chuck: That's enough, ladies. And I'll make sure to tell my father just how committed you are to the hospitality industry.

Nate: That kid popped you pretty good, huh? Never mess with a guy's sister.

Chuck: If I knew his name I'd hunt him down and kill him.

Nate: What, 'cause you kill people now? Are you gonna strangle him with your scarf?

[Nate throws Chuck's scarf into his face, Chuck is preparing a hangover remedy in a blender]

Chuck: Don't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.

Nate: Just saying, death by scarf: Not that intimidating.

Chuck: He sucker-punched me, I told you. Besides, better a broken nose than a broken heart.

Nate: What? I didn't even talk to Serena last night.

Chuck: Who said anything about Serena?

nate: how mad is Alisha...

chuck: mad enough to not answer my text messages..but don't worry...we will make up...

nate: what makes you so sure

chuck: its clockwork..i do something bad..alisha a few days...we make up...

nate: why would you want to go throught that

chuck: because...a few days later we make up

[chuck then sends him a wink and goes to get ready]


[alisha is getting ready and her mother comes in]


[emily then sees alisha in her dress]

emily: you look so beautiful...honey...i bet chuck won't be able to keep..his eyes off of you...

william: well whatever he does he best keep his hands off as well

[william then enters]

william: i love that dress on you sweetheart...

alisha: thank you

emily: how was the kiss on the lips party

alisha: it was alright...

william: did you see serena

alisha: briefly..but we didn't really talk

[emily then gives a look to her husband]

Gossip Girl Season 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora