Chapter one

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My name is Kristy Thomas, and i am proud to say that the babysitters club was completely my idea, even though the four of us really brought it together. Who is us? "Us" is me, My best friend Mary Anne Spider,  my friend Claudia Kishi, and the new girl Stacy McGill.

It all started on the first Tuesday of Seventh grade. The sun was evening through the windows as we all did our work, while trying not to evaporate from the heat. I, typically, had my long brown hair soaked and glued to my back by sweat. I had a green t-shirt on, with blue jeans-not the best choice of pants when it's hot enough to get sunburnt by going outside for a moment-and my usual black and white sneakers. 

I glanced up to the clock plastered onto the wall, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for it to struck the end of school. And it didn't take longer than a minute for me to hear the RINGGGG of the bell. I stood up, raising both of my hands into the air. 

"HOORAYY!!!" I yelled, which was just enough for everyone in the class to stare at me. Me and the teacher stared at each other in awkward silence before he cleared his throat.

"Kristy-" I tended up, before he reworded himself. "err, class, you know your homework assignment. You may go." 

All the kids started filing out, and I was about to leave as well, before he stopped me. 

"Kristy, I'd like to talk to you for a minute." He said, folding his hands together. I stood in front of him.

"Mr. Redmort?" I started. "I'm really really sorry, I didn't mean an-I mean-" I paused, trying to think of what to say. "I didn't mean I was glad school was over-" that was a lie. "-I was just happy because my house has air conditioning." 

"But, do you think, Kristy," Mr. Redmort replied in his usual calm tone. "That next time it would be more respectful to show a bit more decorum?" 


"Yes, sir" I said. 

"Good." Mr. Redmort said. "But I want you to remember this incident, and the best way to remember is to write it down." I froze. I don't like where this is going. "So tonight I want you to write a 100 letter essay on showing Decorum in the classroom, or anywhere, really." 


"Yes sir." I said, this time not as happy-not that I was happy the first time, but I was even more unhappy at the thought of writing an essay. 

I left the classroom, just to be greeted by my best friend chewing on her finger nails, as per usual.

"Hey." I looked down at her fingers, smiling a bit rude smile, but a teasing smile. "Mary Anne! How do you ever expect to be allowed to wear nail polish if you keep that up?"

"Oh come on! I'll be 70 before my dad lets me wear nail polish!!"  Mary Anne sighed sadly. She's very quiet and shy, so don't ask me how we managed to become friends. But I don't mind at all. She's good company. Plus, she's really sad a lot of the time because of how her mother died when she was very young. And she never had any siblings, so me and Claudia are all she has. And she...she's all her dad has. 

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a wave of realization. 

"Oh, oh my gosh!" I yelled suddenly, running from the school down to the detection of my house.

"Where are you going?!" Mary Anne called behind me. "Cmon, it's too hot to run!" 

"It's Tuesday!" I said without looking behind me.

"Yeah? So?" Mary Anne asked. 

"Tuesday is my day to watch David Micheal-" I said, skidding down a sharp corner. Mary Anne followed behind me. "-and I'm supposed to beat him home!" 

Me and my two older brothers have been taking turns of the week to watch David Micheal .

I opened the fence, running to the porch, where David Micheal was sitting.

"David Micheal?!" I called to him, making him look up at me. Tears prickled in the corners of his eyes, and started to sob soon after. "What's wrong?" I asked, crouching down beside him. 

"I'm locked out!!" David Micheal wailed. 

"What happened to your key?"

"I don't know!" He sobbed. I reached into my bag, pulling out my key. 

"It's alright-"

"No!" David Micheal screamed, now standing up as I unlocked the door. "It's not alright! I couldn't get in, and I have to pee!" 

When David Micheal gets like this, it's best to just ignore him and act like everything's fine. 

I twisted open the door as David Micheal ran in, towards the bathroom. 

I sat down on the couch, turning the air conditioner on, and letting the cold breeze hit my face. Ahh. Much better.

I walked to the kitchen, where Mary Anne was sitting. 

"Hey..." I said. "Mrs. Newton asked me to babysit Jamie this afternoon. I couldn't," I pulled pink lemonade out of the fridge and poured it into three cups.  "Did she call you after she called me?"

"No." Mary Anne slowly shook her head. "Maybe she called Claudia?" I shrugged before placing the cups in the middle of the table. David Micheal ran down to the kitchen as I heard a flush behind. He plopped down in the chair. Eyes sparkling at the ping lemonade.

"Here you go." I smiled, gently handing him his cup. 

"Hel-lo-o" a voice said. Charlie entered the kitchen, ruffling David Micheal's hair. "Hey squirt." 

David Micheal scowled before straightening his hair. "I am not a squirt." Charlie barley threw his football into the air. 

"Me and Sam are going to play ball. Wanna come, Kristy?" Charlie asked. 

"I don't know." I said, looking at David Micheal. "I thouhh huh t me and Mary Anne would take David Micheal down to the brook." I smiled. "You wanna go wading?" David Micheal nodded excitedly. "See you guys later!" I called as Charlie and Sam left. 

—20 minutes later—

David micheal, stick and hand, stood in the brook, smiling and playing with our dog. Me and Mary Anne leaned against a nearby tree in the shade, smiling. Another three hours later, we were all  heading home. 

"9:00, okay?" Mary Anne whispered to me. I nodded. I headed inside the kitchen to see mom placing a pizza box on the table. Charlie and Sam looked at the box, hungry. 

"Wonder what she wants." 


"How come you brought back a pizza, mom?" I asked. 

"Kristyyyy..." Charlie whispered. 

"Come on, what do you need to ask us?" I asked, ignoring the slightly panicked expressions on my brothers. 

"Alright, Kathy called me and told me she was too busy to babysit David Micheal, so I was wondering if you guys could." Mom said.

"Football practice."

"Math Club"

"Sitting at the Newtons."

"Shoot." Mom said, Sadly.

"But we are sorry." Sam said. Mom smiled weakly before placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I know you are." She said. 

Mom tapped something into the phone, resting it against her ear. 

"Hi, Mary Anne? This is Mrs. Thomas. I'm looking for a sitter Tomorrow afternoon." Mom listened to the chatter on the phone. "Sitting at the Pikes? Okay." She typed something into the phone again. "Hi, Claudia?" ... "art classes? I understand." She typed something into the phone. "Hello, Cynthia?" ... "Cheerleading Practice?" 

I almost choked on my pizza when I got the idea. Some would say that's when it hit me.

"Good news! Mary Anne said you could bring David Micheal over while she babysits the Pikes." Mom said. I stood up, running up the stairs. "Kristy?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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