Chapter XXVIII

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It laid on his chest as his hands petted his head. It felt his warmth as it laid its head on his neck while the rays of the sun showered upon them.

The water crept to his back as the waves gently came to them and flooded the surfboard. It made them drift slowly on the clear waters as a school of fish swarmed beneath them. The warm winds brushed to their faces, holding his hair and its fur. It came from the cloudless blue skies that held the sun that seemed to be lower than the last time he noticed. They continued not to notice as it slowly slid down, closer and closer to the ocean's edge in the horizon. The reflection of its red hue grew stronger and stronger on the ocean waters.

The sun turned crimson red. It paved a path in and as it kissed the waters where their stares crossed as it moved towards the sun. It slowly reached for the ocean's abyss, and it was already halfway.

Aquila had one of his cheek rest on the surfboard while the waves came as his stare pierced through the orange glimmers on the to the sunset. He held Dawn's head as it stared quietly to where his eyes were, "That thing gets me every time."

The dog raised its head while never fazing its stare.

"I guess this is how I can pay Avery when he used to bring me here," he said silently as he smiled, "and I guess the love for this and seeing my dear friends enthralled to this makes us similar." He chuckled as his fingers scratched the dog's chin.

Dawn raised its head and turned it to him. It stared at him deeply with its amber and emerald eyes.

He chuckled, kissed the dog and gently wrapped his fingers on its snout with a smile. "Yes Dawn," he said silently, "you're a dear friend, more like a best friend."

The dog shook its head and broke free. It licked his fingers before staring back to the horizon filled with the sun searing crimson red blood. It laid his head back on his chest, as if it's asking for more of his fingers' treatment.

He watched Dawn's eyes eatch the scene, sparkling through the tinted reflections as it ended with the abyss engulfing both the sky and the sea. His arms placed the dog on the edge of the surfboard, as he flipped himself. He paddled with the cool waves while it gently laid itself on his back.

Their bodies soon grew closer to the shore. Their eyes stared upon a fire lighting up the sands with its crackles and the cinders that carried the words their mouths spoke. Its light shine up the people that enjoyed the caramaderie that engulfed them with the silvery smoke. Their feet carried them to it through the waves and the wet sand where the edge of the surfboard left its trails between their footprints as it was dragged through it.

Seohyeon was coughing harshly, "Today was great," she said with her voice hoarser than before. She had a towel covering her cold body in her purple bikini, wrapped around her back with Euphemia's arm as she leaned on her.

Euphemia looked into her eye, "And yet you seem to sound worse," she said as she roasted some marshmallows skewered to a stick with tomatoes and some fruits and some meat.

He sat between the girls and Fritz after they nodded to each other and left Dawn with the other dogs at the side.

The fire engulfed Fritz' kebab as he chewed on bacon. "You want some bro?" he offered him with a pan full of bacon strips, after he swallowed the food in his mouth.

He answered with a nod as he took a few strips. His lips whistled to Dawn, who slowly came to his feet. He smiled as he fed it the bacon and soon the kebab. "Good shit right there, right?"

The German Shepherd approached Aquila as well. It slumped to his legs.

"Lou!" Fritz angrily called out, "You can't eat that."

The Blueness of a Blue Wild FlowerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora