Chapter One: Shattered Trust

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Chapter One: Shattered Trust

The wind whispered mournfully through the barren trees as the moon cast a cold, silver light over the desolate landscape. Seraphina Thorn stood on the edge of the shadows, her eyes fixed on the crumbling remnants of the house that had once been a home-a sanctuary shattered by a nightmarish past.

Fifteen years had passed since that fateful night, etching a chilling memory into her psyche that would forever haunt her soul. Seraphina was merely seven years old when her family fell victim to unspeakable horror. Their lives were brutally extinguished before her innocent eyes, leaving scars more profound than mere flesh wounds.

The images were seared into her mind-the intruders, masked and malevolent, their faces twisted with sadistic pleasure. The blood of her loved ones painted the walls, a grotesque tableau of violence. Their sinister laughter echoed in her nightmares, a symphony of torment that never ceased.

The macabre sight of her family's lifeless bodies, their eyes devoid of light, still replayed in Seraphina's mind. The perpetrators, dripping in the blood of her kin, approached her with wicked glee. She felt their hands smearing the blood on her skin, a cruel mark of their atrocity, branding her the lone survivor.

She became a prisoner of her own memories, eternally chained to the nightmarish canvas that her childhood had become. The trauma had sculpted her into a figure of emotional detachment. Love, trust, and happiness were foreign concepts-fragments of a reality she could no longer grasp.

Now, fueled by vengeance, Seraphina sought retribution. Two of her family's murderers had faced the consequences of their heinous acts at her hands, the satisfaction of their suffering offering a semblance of solace. But five remained, still eluding her grasp, their existence a festering wound in her soul.

In the relentless pursuit of justice, she had buried her pain beneath layers of determination. Each step she took on this path of retribution was a proclamation of her unwavering strength, her will to reclaim her shattered life and confront the shadows of her past.

As Seraphina steeled herself for the next confrontation, the embers of rage within her burned hotter, feeding the flames of her resolve. The road ahead would be arduous, laden with danger and darkness, but she would not relent. Her family's tormentors would meet their fate, and in that twisted dance of vengeance, she yearned to find the closure that had eluded her for so long.

The night was her confidant, and the moonlit darkness her ally. Seraphina's fingers traced the outline of the dagger concealed within her coat-a cold, unforgiving companion on her journey for retribution. She had honed her skills, cultivated a hunter's instinct, and masked her emotions in the relentless pursuit of justice.

She roamed the forsaken city, a place marred by decay and the echoes of forgotten lives. Her steps were deliberate, each footfall echoing her determination to bring an end to the torment that had plagued her existence for so long. The addresses of the remaining murderers were etched into her memory, a sinister map guiding her to her quarry.

 The addresses of the remaining murderers were etched into her memory, a sinister map guiding her to her quarry

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Shattered Love: Haunting Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now