Flush Filling Their Cheeks

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Here Mary was, on her way home. Her small apartment building mingled with the cool north carolinian air. As she rustled through her bags, she got her key out, and opened her door. With a somewhat drowsy step, she spread out on her bed and allowed flush to fill her cheeks as she thought about Alex's mesmerizing eyes, how they whispered secrets into her and she listened ever so closely.

Mary stared at the ceiling, her heart aflutter with the memories of the day spent with Alex. His presence had awakened something deep within, stirring a dormant passion she had long forgotten. As she lay on her bed, her thoughts towards the enigmatic gaze of his eyes, each flicker revealing a story untold.

The whispers of the sea outside her window lulled Mary into a state of introspection. She began envision a future filled with new possibilities, the colors of her life slowly transforming from the melanch blues to vibrant shades of hope and excitement.

With renewed purpose, Mary decided it was time to explore the creative spirit she had suppressed for far too long. She reached for the sketchpad hidden in corner of her room and opened it to a blank page. The sight of the untouched canvas her stirred a sense of anticipation.

Her pencil gently caressed the paper, as if tracing the contours of a hidden world within her. Stroke by stroke, lines began to take shape, capturing essence of the coastal blues that had become her anthem. The crashing waves, the flurried of seagulls, and the whispers of the ocean breeze all found expression in her drawings.

As Mary sketched, her mind wandered back to Alex, the man who had unknowingly reign her artistic flame. She longed to share her newfound inspiration with him, to weave their two together like threads in a tapestry of creativity and love.

The next day rolled over, and she had made plans to meet alex on the boardwalk, and talk, nothing much. Mary drowsily got out of bed, ut the anticipation of seeing Alex excited her. She was rushing to put an elegant and simple dress on. This dress had complimented her pasty skin and caramel hair that seemed to float just above her knees. She carefully wove her hair into two simple braids, caressing each strand into a herringbone pattern.

 Finally, she met with Alex along the dock, and they immediately started talking. His words danced and he playfully made jokes with her. Alex watched Marys every move and noticed how she elegantly moved her body, and he fantasized of growing old with her. In that moment, a burst of spontaneity, Alex spit out "M- Mary, I love you, I can't bear to hold it in. You are the most beautiful girl in the world, and I have loved you ever since I had first saw you in that cafe. You are amazing." 

As Alex poured his heart out with trembling words, Mary's heart skipped a beat. She felt her cheeks flush as a blush spread across her face like a blooming rose. Her eyes with his, and in that moment, the world around them faded into a blur. "Oh Alex, you have sparked something in me I have never felt as deep, I love you!"

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