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It's also thanks to the fact that they don't like putting money in the bank, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get it out now. The reason why the 1,000 yuan has not been used yet is mainly because Zhu An gave me 120 yuan.
  The money was found, but Boss Ren didn't dare to open the door to give it to him. He just opened the window and pushed the money out: "Here, 1,000. Third brother, you...count it." As soon as he released the money, he quickly retracted his hand. , I am afraid that my hand will also be chopped off.
  Zhang Hongfen's eyes were about to pop out when she looked in another room. This... this was the money she had finally saved. How could she give it to her? She wanted to rush out and stop it, but she didn't dare. Now that the money has been taken out, and the captain also knows about their solatium, what else can she do? Zhang Aifen was really angry, angry that the men in the Ren family were spineless and couldn't bear the slightest pain.
  Ren Guoyong counted the money, and after the amount was correct, he turned to the captain and said, "Captain, by chance you are here, please make the decision to divide our family, right?" Although the captain doesn't like family separation, he is old
  . When they are older, they all like to be lively and noisy. But the situation of the Ren family is an exception. At least Ren San's room cannot get along well with the Ren family. So the captain looked at Old Man Ren: "What did you say?"
  Before Old Man Ren could speak, he heard Boss Ren shouting: "It's good to separate... separate the families." From now on, when he only sees the third child, he will think of himself peeing. Regarding incontinence, he never wanted to see his third child again.
  "If the family is separated, the third child must be filial to his father-in-law." Zhang Aifen said.
  The captain had a headache: "If you want to separate the families, just come out and say it. How can you say it when you are all in the room?" "
  Just say it like this." Boss Ren refused to go out, "Speak clearly." "
  It doesn't matter if you say it like this. Ren Guoyong said, "I don't want to do anything to clean up my family background. I will support my father with one dollar a month."
  These days, when whole grains are combined with rice, one dollar can buy 15 to 20 kilograms of grain. So one dollar is about the same.
  The captain asked: "I think it's feasible, do the rest of you have any opinions?"
  Old man Ren shook his head, but he felt a little unhappy. With his third son gone, this friendship will be broken in the future. Sigh... If I had known earlier, I might have wanted to hinder the boss's wife. "That's it..." Finally, Old Man Ren said weakly.
  "I have no objection." Boss Ren said.
  Ren Laoer also shook his head desperately.
  "But..." Ren Guoqiang added, "When Comrade Zhu An adopted Xiao Chen, he gave 120 yuan to the Ren family. Now that I'm back, Xiao Chen will certainly not adopt him, so I will return the money to Comrade Zhu An. , just think that I gave dad ten years of pension in advance, no problem, right?"
  No one expected Ren Guoyong to say this.
  Zhang Aifen said: "If this is the case, then the money my father-in-law spent on medical treatment will also be subsidized."
  Ren Guoyong thought about it and said, "Okay, how much money did he spend on medical treatment before?"
  Zhang Aifen wanted to reimburse more, but she was afraid Ren Guoyong wanted to check the account, so he said angrily: "More than twenty yuan, plus our hard work, it counts as thirty, isn't it too much? You must know that we have been taking care of my father-in-law these years." "It's not too much
  . I wasn't with dad before, but you were with dad, so these thirty yuan are mine. In other words, 120 yuan minus 30 yuan, and there is still 90 yuan, so I gave it 7 years and 6 months in one lump sum. Pension money. Really?" Ren Guoyong calculated carefully and refused to lose even a dollar.
  Zhang Hongfen wanted to find fault in the egg, but she couldn't find any fault.
  "Are you really going to leave home without asking for anything?" Boss Ren asked again.
  "Yes." Ren Guoyong replied.
  "Then let's do it, captain, you can be a witness and give us your share as soon as possible." Boss Ren urged.
  "Listen to the boss." Old Man Ren agreed.
  "Then you wait, I'll write the family separation agreement." The captain asked, "Should you go to the village committee compound with me?" Boss
  Ren said: "If you don't want to go, I won't go. Captain, you go and write it. After you finish it, Just bring it over." Anyway, if the third child can't stay, he won't come out.
  "Captain, my health is not good and I can't stand walking back and forth, so I will trouble you to run back and forth twice." Old man Ren felt that he was extremely embarrassed today and he didn't want to go out.
  No one knows how to fart, they will do whatever they say.

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