Elaine didn't know how to feel about Damon dying. A part of the woman was relieved she would never have to see him again, but another part felt bad. At least for Stefan and Elena.

"Find anything," Bonnie asks.

"No, you," the blonde replies.

Bonnie shakes her head.

At the moment, Bonnie and Elaine were looking through spell books for a cure.

Elaine was doing this to help Bonnie and Stefan and only for the two.
"Thanks for helping me," Bonnie says softly.

"Anytime," the blonde smiles.


There was a light breeze when Klaus had awakened. His heart felt light for the first time in years. He had finally broken the curse he had tried so hard and long to break. His heart rushed with adrenaline from the kills.

Still, when the hybrid woke in the forest, he couldn't help but think of Elaine. How she loved the forest. He tried to drown the fingerling sadness.

Suddenly Klaus's clothes were thrown at him.

"You've been busy." His brother speaks from the tree he was leaning on.

"That was amazing," Nik says, standing. He quickly put his pants on. "How long has it been?" he asks his brother.

"Two days, when the full moon came in, you remained a wolf," Elijah says.

"I can change at will then, that's good to know." The smile was glued to Niks face. "I remember every kill."

"Yes, I've been cleaning up your mess along the way."

"Just like old times brother".

"You've had your fun, now I believe we had a bargain," Elijah asks.

"Right now, what was it again? Oh yeah, wait, that's it. You wanna be reunited with your family," the brunette teases.

"You gave me your word, Niklaus," Elijah says rather bitterly.

"What kind of brother would break his bond, even though you did try to kill me?" Nik mumbles the last part bitterly before tossing on his shirt.

"We have something to discuss," Elijah suddenly says.

"I'll bring them to you soon, brother." he puts his hand to Elijah's shoulder. "You need to lighten up," Nik smiles.

"It's about something else, I-" Elijah starts knowing that even if he isn't on good terms with his brother, he still deserves to know his love is alive.

"We can talk about it later brother, let's head to my apartment," Klaus says, and before Elijah can speak, the man is already walking away.


"Come on, Jere," Elaine laughs.

"This is a girls' movie," He complains.

"Awe is little gilbert too old to watch fairy princess," she teases, ruffling his hair.

He whacks her hand away, laughing softly.

Elena rolls her eyes playfully at their antics. "We have to get out, Jere, move on with our lives. It's what they would have wanted," Elena says.

The brunette lays the blanket on the grass. They were watching some movie. Elaine had no idea what the name was outside for a town event. Suddenly, Care came walking toward the trio.

"There you guys are," she smiles. "Who's hungry?" The blonde carried two picnic baskets, setting them down.

Elaine smiles, hugging the blonde before sitting.
"Are we really doing this?" Jere groans.

"Of course."
"Uh yes," the two blondes say at the same time.

"We went through the war now, and we're going to persevere," Caroline says enthusiastically, raising her fist.

A beat passes before Jere smiles. "Fine, what do we have to eat?" the teenager asks, sitting down.

I toss him a bag of chips from Cares opened picnic bags.

✔️INTERTWINED HEARTS; Niklaus Mikaelson (1)Where stories live. Discover now