Ever Tree

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Eberwolf creeps through the forest slowly, their eyes narrow as they wait for the perfect time to strike. They watch the small rabbuck eat the green grass, when the animal turns its back, Eber strikes. They pounce onto the small animal, grabbing it with their teeth viciously. The small animal makes an attempt to hop away, but has no luck. When Eber sees the animal struggle he puts it out quickly. The dead animal lays limp in their mouth as they carry it back to their burrow.

Along the way back Eber comes across a beautiful orange leafed Ever tree. They Marvel at it, these trees were sacred and beautiful. This one looked to be centuries old, circular patterns lining its dark brown trunk. The tree was tall, and had a thick trunk, perfect for living in and under. Eber had made the quick decision of making it their new home.

They pranced back to their den under another tree, eating their dinner and falling asleep. They had decided that it would be easier to move in the morning than running around at night with wondervoles. When Eber had awoken in the morning they grabbed the only thing they would need, the first bone they ripped out of their first kill. They carried it in their mouth as they crawled back to the Ever tree, not caring to kill the small animals for their breakfast.

As they drew closer to the tree they heard talking, Eber had known better than to snoop around in witches' business. So they climbed the nearest tree to go around them, but when they saw that the witches were not only witches, but scouts surrounding their tree, they had no other choice but to put their snout in their business.

"How in Titian's name are we supposed to cut this thing down!?" One of the scouts yelled.

"No clue, ice magic maybe?" Another scout suggested

"Na that won't work, how bout we just leave it be!" A younger scout suggested

The coven scouts looked at her, one smacking her on the back of the head, knocking off her mask.

"That's stupid Frinn! We need the tree's wood!" The scout yelled

The girl pouted

"Go sit down Frinn"

And she did, she sat against the tree Eber had been spying from, they of course were not happy. They wanted this tree, they knew how old it was and how it is older than almost everyone on the isles. They can't just cut it down! Eber needed a plan, and fast.

They dropped their bone into a hole in the tree before thinking. Wondervoles! Wondervoles were dangerous animals, they had sharp teeth, black fur, and white eyes. They were known for tearing animals apart, along with anything they can get their teeth on. Eber climbed down from the tree, and headed towards the nearest cave. Wondervoles live in moist caves, they like to be warm without being hot, so moist caves were the best places for these creatures to live.

Eber wondered for about an hour before coming up on the cave, they saw two Wondervoles standing guard. This was normal, two guards would watch while the rest slept. They were nocturnal animals, they blend in with the darkness; So naturally anyone would see these huge black beasts sprinting towards them in pure daylight, hopefully these monsters will scare off the guards.

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