Letters From The Capital & Ignored Advice

Start from the beginning

"You've seen it?"

"I dreamed it. Just as I dreamed of the Sept exploding."

"And you did nothing to stop it?" Olenna asked, clearly furious.

"I was thrown in a cell, and I had no idea what it meant. The dreams are not alwys clear cut. I was shown a dragon spewing green fire on the Sept. Now, my mother is not a dragon, she is a lioness. How was I to know this what it meant?"

"You couldn't," Tyrion concluded.

"So, your master plan is to use our armies? Forgive me for asking, but why did you bother to bring your own?" Olenna asked, shaking her head and turning her attention to Tyrion.

Tyrion reached down and picked up the figurine resembling an Unsullied helmet. He began walking back around the map of Westeros. "The Unsullied will have another objective. For decades, House Lannister has been the true power in Westeros. And the seat of that power is Casterly Rock. Grey Worm and the Unsullied will sail for the Rock and take it." Tyrion stopped in front of Casterly Rock. There sat a figurine that resembled a lion, which he knocked over with the Unsullied figurine.

"Your father was the only one who truly cared about the Rock," Aelinor told him. "The bastard loved that piece of land more than his own children. My mother does not care about Casterly Rock, especially now that she has crowned herself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The mines have run dry. It's nothing but an oversized rock to her."

"True," Tyrion agreed. "But, if we can take Rock, we can show everyone the Lannisters are not as untouchable as they think they are."

Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, save for Daemon and Aelinor.

"Do I have your support?" Daenerys asked.

"You have mine."

"Dorne is with you, Your Grace." She had been given the authority to authorize an alliance if she truly believed Daenerys was worthy or capable of ruling.

Lady Olenna nodded her head.

"Thank you all. Lady Olenna, may I speak with you alone?"

Everyone except Daenerys and Olenna left the Chamber of the Painted Table. Daenerys walked to the end and sat next to Olenna.

"I realize you're here out of hatred for Cersei and not love for me. But I swear to you she will pay for what she's done and we will bring peace back to Westeros."

"Peace. Do you think that's what we had under your father or his father or his? Peace nevr lasts, my dear. Would you take a bit of advice from an old woman?"

Daenerys nodded her head in agreement.

"He's a clever man, your Hand. I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. Do you know why? I ignored them. The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No. You're a dragon. Be a dragon."

Unfortunately for her, Aelinor's dream, nor advice, was heeded. Daenerys had continued with Tyrion's plan of sending Ellaria and Tyene back to Dorne, under the escort of the Ironborn and sending the Unsullied to capture the Rock.

A decision she would quickly come to regret.

Which is why Aelinor had written a letter to Prince Doran, detailing her vision and how she expressed her concern, but was overlooked.

She only hoped it reached them in time, to prepare them for what she knew was to come.

"Did you do what I asked?" She asked Daemon who nodded. "Good."

[Sea Of Dorne - Yara's Ship, Captain's Quarters]

Yara Greyjoy, Ellaria Sand were seated at a table drinking together. Tyene was in one of the other cabins, getting rest and Theon was standing next to them.

"How can you drink this piss? When we reach Sunspear I'll treat you to a Dornish red, the best in the world. Have you evr been to Dorne?" Ellaria asked.

"A few times. Nevr stayed long."

"A boy in every port?"

"A boy, a girl. Depends on the port."

"Could we get some more?" Ellaria handed her empty cup back to Theon.

"I thought it wasn't for you."

"I'm developing a taste for it."

Yara looked at Theon. "He's not your servant."

"It's fine." Theon began filling the cup from a barrel of wine.

"So, you're going to be Queen of the Iron Islands."

"Once I kill my uncle."

"And what will you be, handsome?" She stood and groped Theon.

Oberyn wouldn't mind if she had a little fun. She alwys returned to him and him to her.

"Whatever my queen demands." Theon responded.

"He'll be my advisor, my protector." Yara clarified.

"Oh, I see. Your protector." She slowly sauntered over to Yara. "So, if someone gets too close to you-"

"He might have to intervene."

"-hold that person back," Ellaria concluded at the same time.

"Until they've made their intentions known."

Ellaria sat next to Yara and spread her legs apart, then looked at Theon. "Why are you standing all the way over there then? A foreign invasion is under way. It seems like you don't need a protector."

A large crash was heard and the ship rocked back and forth.

Yara turned to Ellaria. "Stay here."

She stood, picked up her sword and rushed for the stairs to the upper deck, Theon following after her.

Yara climbed onto the deck and was greeted by mayhem. There were flaming arrows and flares in the sky. Yara turned to survey the madness, noting a ship bearing the Greyjoy sigil sailing out of the smoke and fog directly at her ship.

"Euron." Yara muttered.

Euron's ship crashed into Yara's and an armoured gang plank was dropped, connecting the two ships. Euron Greyjoy was riding on top of the plank as it crashed onto Yara's ship. A sailor was crushed in the process. Euron boarded his niece's boat and began cutting men down with an ax and laughing maniacally. Dozens of men rushed behind him to board Yara's ship. Yara and Theon both yelled and leapt into battle.

Many people were killed instantly. More men were running over the gang plank.

Tyene emerged from below deck. She threw a dagger and lodged it in an invader's eye. She moved to the body to retrieve her knife.

Yara approached her, kneeling down. "Your mother is below deck. Keep her safe."

Tyene nodded in agreement, standing up and heading down into the captain's quarters.

She walked down the stairs and saw her mother. She ran to her, hugging her. Immediately, three men climbed down the stairs and surround the women.

Tyene began striking at the invaders with her knife.

Theon is fighting several men with his sword. He cut down two men and looked at Yara, who was busy looking around her at the scene.

Several ships were engulfed in flames. Flaming arrows were streaking in and men were shouting. A flaming bolt flew through the air and hit Yara's mast causing it to burst into flames. More men rushed from Euron's boat onto the deck. Yara was slowly walking and watching the scene unfold. She then turned and resumed fighting.

Euron was cutting through men with ease. He had just killed another when he was struck from behind. Turning around, he swiftly dealt with the man who struck him. He looked around, watching as his men made quick work of his niece's.

Downstairs, Tyene was still fighting the men. She sliced one of them and stabbed another in the testicles.

On the deck, Yara did her best to take out as many men as she could. Around her, men on both sides continued to fall, but mostly her own.

Tyene was now getting overpowered by the men. They punched her and grabbed her from behind. One of the men walked to Ellaria and grabbed her.

"Kill us! Get it over with!" Ellaria shouted.

The man in charge smirked at her, shaking his head. He had specific orders.

The men began to push Ellaria and Tyene upstairs to take them as hostages.

Nearly every ship in Yara's fleet was burning. Flaming bolts illuminated the sky.

Yara spotted Euron below her. She jumped from the upper deck and knocked him down.

He got back up. "Give your uncle a kiss.

Yara stepped forward and slapped him. They begin fighting, but Yara was quickly overwhelmed by Euron.


Theon, who was still fighting, heard his uncle's yell and turned to look. Euron was holding Yara and had his ax to her neck. Theon stopped, frozen in place, and his uncle began smirking at him.

"Ah, come on your cockless hound. I have her. Come and get her." His uncle taunted.

Theon was looking around. Men were being killed and everything was on fire. One invader was pulling someone's teeth out. Theon began to shake and whimper, his eye twitching. He turned, dropped his sword and jumped off of the rail of the ship into the water.

Euron began to laugh and look at Yara, who closed her eyes in defeat.

[Sea Of Dorne]

Theon was in the water, holding onto some flotsam. He watched as the ships continued to burn and the Iron Fleet sailed away into the distance.

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