- Information -

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Hey, pumpkins!^0^

So...This is a newly started cover shop for you all.
I accept any kind of story to make a cover.

Alright, let's get into this.
You need to follow the below rules to get the cover from me.

You need to DM me the following details throughout one comment.

•Book name
•Author name
•Book genre (Fiction, Nonfiction, Horror, Romance...etc.)
•GxB/BxB/ GxG
•Ship name( taekook, jikook, vmin, jenlisa )
•Top, bottom of the ship
•Tell me if you want the cover to use fan arts or normal photos.
•Special text that you want to add.
•Black and white or colored
•Theme ( Dark/Light)
•Also a brief explanation of the characters and the story.

1.You can send me the photos that I should make the cover with. Use my Twitter username to send me the photos. Otherwise, share the photos/pins in Pinterest to my Pinterest account or send me the links via Wattpad.

2.I will send the cover 4 days after your request.


Payments or Credits.

1.If you use the cover, you can give a little credit to me in the story description.
( Ex: Cover credit goes to :- @Freya_Celestie )

How do I get the cover?

•I will send the cover through Pinterest.
Or else you can get the cover from my Twitter account. Remember to send me your Twitter account too. Or else, drop me a message through Twitter.

As you know in Pinterest, you cannot dm someone without following them. So have to follow me on Pinterest first.

•Also, if you're not satisfied with the cover, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll make a new one as soon as possible.

•I'm not sending the cover by E-mail, because of the low quality. Sorry for that.

You can find my Pinterest and my Twitter accounts through my carrd ↓

https://freyacelestie.carrd.co/ ( You can find this link in my about)


Here we go then!....\^o^/


Freya's Cover CornerWhere stories live. Discover now