chapter 12

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Friendship of the 5 kids had started to bloom. Soon they became an inseparable part of each other's life eventually the children of pandavas other wives also started to visit hastinapur on kunti's request.
But the most surprising part was the Friendship of Abhimanyu and vrishsen
No one had ever thought that the children of karn and arjun will be like brothers.........
On the 7th birthday of the twins every royal family in aryavarta was invited for celebrations . The twins met their cousins and there other mothers. Even panchala was invited but they declined their invitation. The twins met their cousins from dwaraka and abhimanyu was constantly talking to vatsala and was not leaving her for a minute.
Krishna and balrama both showed the twins with gifts and blessings.
Bhishma gave Abhigna a special bracelet that was a legacy of kurus.

After the celebrations devika came to Bhishma with one request.

Devika -  pitamah I want my son to gain his education under your shelter. I can't find  a better guru for my yodheya other than u . Can you please teach him ?
Bhishma- I'm thrilled putri. Yodheya is my eldest great grandson after ghatotkacha . It's my duty to teach him. He will stay with us until his education is complete. 

Later Bhishma announced that he will start the education of all the 6 Children ( abhimanyu, Abhigna, lakshmana, lakshmanaa, vrishsen, yodheya)
And said that every child will learn warfare, scriptures and household work. After the basic education the kids with go around aryavarta gain knowledge in the fields of their choice.
In course of 4 Years the children learned the basic knowledge in every field. In these 4 years the relation between the 6 kids grew stronger. Lakshmanaa and Abhigna became soul sisters and yodheya was regarded as their jesht bhrata and he was close to his every sibling like iravan an babruvahan and everyone else.
In the 4 year hastinapur got news that royal family of Kalinga was killed their brother in law and valandhara had also died in the blood shed.
The kids of valandhara suhotra and samyukta were brought to hastinapur for safety and they also mingled well with the other 6.
Soon the children were told to choose a field of their interest and return after 3 years.

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