chapter 5

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Subhadra- what happened rishivar what is written in my daughter destiny??

Panditji- this is destined to be the glory of her clan. She will be very knowledgeable and clever minded . She will follow dharma in her own way. She will have the beauty of the nature. Thus her name should be Abhigna.

Subhadra- Abhigna..... my life......

Panditji- one more thing rajkumari...
Till the time both of your children r together no one can defeat them...
They have worlds' most supportive and encouraging friends who will always guide and support them on the right path ..... they r destined to change the upcoming chapters of history of aryavarta.......

Everyone in the hall was very contented listening to this
Soon both the kids had filled dwarika with their laughter and happiness.......

Subhadra had sent a letter to arjun about the birth of their kids ....
Soon she received a reply

Good that u have given birth to a boy and the name is also good make good care of him and get him ready for the war and as soon as he is capable of lifting a bow make him a good archer .. make him train under the guidance of madhav

Subhadra was very sad that arjun didn't acknowledge the birth of their daughter but she had a hope that he will change after seeing their daughter

As soon  as abhimanyu turned 5 he was able to read and write . Arjun started to send letters abt arms and warfare. Manyu understood that his father saw him as an asset not his son
Abhigna never received any letters from arjun and was always called  a fatherless girl she was always mocked by the girls of her age.
But manyu and pradyumna wre always their for her.... pradyumna was not a kid anymore. He was even married. But he always played with manyu and Abhigna childish games for their happiness. Everything was on track when.......
One day
Subhadra- bhrata I miss upapandavas very much and I have never met suthanu after her birth . I want to make a visit to panchal to see them .

Krishna- subhi r u sure that u want to visit panchal even after how drupad talked to u ??
Yes for obvious krishna knew abt the episode that took place between subhi and drupad . He chose to forgive drupad for his first mistake same as he forgave shishupal for his 100 mistakes

Subhadra- yes bharata I'm sure. I can endure any insult to see my kids.

Krishna- ok subhi then I will arrange your trip ..

Subhadra- thank u bhaiya thank u so much......
She smiled and  went from there.
Krishna's smile faded as he knew the destiny.... but he can't change wheel for life .......

What made krishna sad ??????

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