🎸Messed up again!🎸

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Pairing: Hobie Brown + Gwen Stacy
(Can be read as platonic or romantic)

Caregiver: Gwen
Age regressor: Hobie


Hobie had been muttering curses to himself as he was playing his electric guitar in Gwen's room. Gwen was in the same room, doing her usual maintenance to her drum kit, which was interrupted at least a dozen times by now. She looked up and saw Hobie trying to change the settings on his amplifier and playing the same part over and over.

"Gwanda, does it sound out of tune?" Hobie asks, trying to look at his guitar again to see what was happening, Gwen just sighs in a slight amusement.

"No, it's perfectly tuned, have you looked at the music shee-"

"Yes! Yes I have, and I keep screwing up somehow!" Hobie practically yells as he sighs heavily to calm himself down. He looks back at the sheet and places it down, having a go at it again. He ends up messing up the same chord.

"GOD DAMN IT!" He yells, flopping back on the bed he was sitting on and dragging his hands down his face. Gwen jerks her head up and looks at him with a look which says 'seriously?'. Hobie takes a few deep breaths before sitting back up and picking up his guitar.

"Y'know Hobie, maybe you should take a break? I have a feeling you might end up throwing your guitar into another dimension." Gwen joked around a bit, going back to cleaning her drums. Hobie shook his head a bit, rubbing his eyes and looking a bit tired, he let out a small 'no' and picked up his guitar again. Gwen looked at him with what could be passed on as a stern look.

"Hobie... you're gonna get more frustrated, it's best if you take a break-" Gwen wasn't even able to finish her sentence, as he started to play the same part again. He messed it up. For the thousandth time in a damn row.

"SON OF A- UGH!" Hobie yelled out as he chucked his guitar onto the floor near the amplifier, nearly breaking it. Gwen stood up, leaving a cymbal on the floor. "Hobie! I said take a break!" She said in an exasperated tone. She had been saying this to him for a while, but he was too stubborn to listen. Hobie just made a noise of anger and sniffed a bit, looking down. He flopped back onto the bed, curling up and hiding his face in a pillow. Gwen walked up to him and patted him lightly on the shoulder.

"Hey uh, how about we don't play any instruments for a bit... yeah?" Gwen asks, before hearing him sob a bit. She was shocked for a moment before patting him again. Hobie looked up, his eyes were full of tears and streaming down his face and his bottom lip was quivering.

"Ohh, Hobie." Gwen softly cooed at him, resulting in the little burying his face back in the pillow and crying even more. Gwen sat on the edge of the bed and gently sat him up, he was still sobbing and crying. 

"Is... is guitar broken?" Hobie asked, sniffling a bit and looking at the guitar near the bed. Gwen bent down to inspect it, it got scratched, but there was no major damage. She shook her head and sat back up.

"Nope! It's all good. Are you feeling okay?" Gwen asked, rubbing his back a bit, Hobie shook his head. His eye makeup was starting to get ruined by the tears, and he kept wiping his eyes, smudging it even more, Gwen chuckled a bit.

"Alright little guy, wanna get into something more comfortable?" She asked Hobie, who was currently chewing on his thumbnail, he nodded and looked away, going red. Gwen got up and looked around her room for a comfortable change of clothes and makeup removal wipes. She found an oversized T-shirt and some pyjama pants for him and went back to Hobie, was was currently playing with a stuffed penguin he found on Gwen's bed, causing the caregiver to chuckle in amusement. She knelt down in front of Hobie, who looked at her with curiosity.

"Do you wanna take off your face piercings?" Gwen asks him, the age regressor nods, before going back to playing with the penguin. She nods and gently takes out all of the piercings before leaving them in her bedside drawer. She decided to leave the ear piercing in, figuring it wouldn't bother him that much. Gwen then rubbed his makeup off with the makeup removal wipe, watching as his expression looked a bit more relieved as she did so. Gwen then helps him get into the more comfortable clothes, raising his arms up to get the shirt on and lifting him up a bit to slide on his pants.

"Okayy, we should be done!" Gwen says, before picking him up, causing Hobie to make a noise of surprise. She sat him down in a corner with plushies and other toys, she created that space for him when he told her about his coping mechanism. When Hobie was sat down, he immediately lit up and started to grab onto anything he could find. Gwen chuckled a bit.

"Hey Hobie, look at me? Try not to get upset over your guitar, yeah? You're an amazing player! It's fine to mess up, okay?" Hobie looked at Gwen and babbled a bit, before leaning onto her. Gwen smiled at propped him back up, laughing as he tried to lean on her again. Hobie found a stuffed bear and hugged onto it, chewing on the ear a bit.

Gwen found his pacifier on her bedside table and popped off the cap, going over to him and removing his mouth from the bear gently.

"No Hobie... have this instead." She gave the pacifier to him, feeling satisfied when he took it from her and placed it in his mouth, suckling on it. He continued to play with the bear and Gwen, curiously touching her dyed hair. Gwen chuckled at this, looking back at the guitar.

She'd have to pack that away a bit later.

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