Ch. 28 💋

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About 25 minutes had passed and me and Ada stayed seated at the bar.

"How long are they gonna take?" Ada groaned while taking a shot.

I shrugged, then fiddled with the the straw that was in my drink.

"I think you took pre-game a little too seriously, don't drink too much!" I stated while sliding away the shot that ada was about to grab.

"You're no fun." She complained.

I rolled my eyes.
"The last thing we need is you throwing up all over Tom." I joked.

Ada giggled, then I felt my phone slightly buzz. I dug through my purse, then pulled out my phone.

I flipped it open, seeing that Bill had messaged me.

"They're here, so you can quit the pregame." I said while collecting my stuff.
Ada giggled then shoved a 5 into the tip jar that was a few inches away from her.

Me and Ada linked arms then made our way outside.

Once we made it outside, we saw the familiar private car that the band would get driven around in. Their chauffeur was by the door, patiently waiting.

Once we were near, he opened the car door. Me and Ada thanked him, and I happily sat next to Bill.

"Hey." I said while kissing Bills cheek. He smiled then held my hand.

"Sorry about the wait, Tom was throwing a tantrum over his outfit." Bill joked.

I softly laughed, then faced Bill once again.

"By the way, why did you disappear on me in the morning?" I asked with a raised brow.

He readjusted himself.

"I had to talk to Tom about something, I was gonna tell you but I didn't want to wake you." He innocently replied.

"That's fair, and thank you for your card earlier. I bought myself a dress." I happily said.

I saw Bill crack a smile.

"Did you only get a dress?" He asked.

"Ya, I didn't want to go on a shopping rampage. You should be grateful Ada didn't get a hold of your card, you should've seen how much crap she bought with Toms." I replied with a huff.

Bill chuckled, then we continued talking.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I happily peeked out the window, admiring the building that was ahead of me.

The twins never fail to impress me with their little get togethers.

We stepped out of the car, and Bill wrapped his arm around my waist.

"No paparazzi?" I questioned.

"This place is pretty private, so we don't have to deal with any least I don't think we do." Bill replied while looking around.

I smiled, and we all continued walking.

We were all seated in a large booth. It had velvet seating, and the lights were dim.

I obviously sat next to Bill, and shortly after we sat down a slim blonde women approached us.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a bit of a problem with some of your producers." She complained.

||Why do you always stare?|| -Bill Kaulitz x fem reader. Where stories live. Discover now