The Visitor

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Suddenly a loud commotion had me springing to my feet gripping my sword.

I watched as a pale elvish male sprinted towards me. He was tall, his silver hair shone radiantly in the moonlight that filled the camp. I was startled to discover he was coated in blood and swaying slightly on his feet.

When he grimaced I caught the pointed tips of his teeth. He's a vampire then, just the type of guest you didn't want to show up to your camp at night in the middle of nowhere.

I debated keeping my sword in my hand but he seemed ready to fall over and I'd need both my hands available.

I glanced over to Shadowheart's still empty bedroll and fought the rising panic that filled my heart that she still wasn't back.

When the vampire stumbled down on one knee I snapped out of my reverie and into action.

I rushed over to his side. I got him sitting comfortably on my bedroll as I fished in my pack for dressings and some fresh water.

"What happened to you?" I asked the injured male.

"Owlbear clawed me.I've killed it but not before it got a piece of me too." The male told me wincing as he held pressure on the deep gashes the ran from his left shoulder down to his elbow.

There was alot of blood so it was difficult to know the real extent of his injuries at the moment. I needed to clean the area to have a better look.

I settled myself between his legs and started tentatively cleaning his wounds.

You don’t need to do this,” the bleeding man said firmly, “I’m not a helpless child.”

I rolled my eyes at the fool, who I was satisfied to realize was unable to find it in himself to simply move away from me despite his verbal objection. He watched me continue to clean the deep cuts on his arm with a curious expression on his handsome face.

I knew what he was doing,  he failed at pretending that me tending his injuries wasn’t making him feel anything.

"You're bleeding all over the place so stop being ridiculous. I can help you." I growled at him

“Don’t bother,” he said sounding even more annoyed “It’s just a scratch.”

"A scratch? That is not a scratch, you were maimed." I said back annoyed by his behavior.

I would rather be out looking for  Shadowheart than playing nursemaid to a likely centuries old vampire who was acting like a petulant child.

When he pulled away from me again carefully avoiding wiping any of his blood on my clothes with his jaw  clenched, I didn't bother arguing with him anymore.

I assumed he was not used to having anyone care for him, let alone a complete stranger.

"You don't even know who I am so why help me?" He asked me then which answered my earlier suspicion.

I was too tired for this. I got myself up and started turning away from him tossing over my shoulder,"You're so stubborn.Fine bleed to death for all I care. Do me a favor though, be quiet while you're dying. I'm exhausted and I need to go look for my friend. "

I heard the man laugh before he replied,"Only if you hold my hand while I pass," he continued deadpan, “I don't want to die alone."

That had me finally turning back towards him again. "As if, you'll probably bite me just to save yourself and it'll be me laying bleeding to death. You had one chance to have me within arms reach. I'm not stupid, I know what your kind is capable of."

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