alive but not well

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everybody decided to take 2 months off after the "death" of michael and the war with loona not being seen by anyone over the course of those 2 months, but while everyone was at home and just starting to go back to normal richtofen was still in his lab doing random experiments with element 115 and just generally being a mad doctor for that 2 months until

*beep beep beep*

richtofen: what?

he goes to a drawer and sees a device beeping 

richtofen: it cant be, it has to be a glitch, but i designed it and built it with care and this can only be broken if the subject tagged is dead

he runs to a computer and connects the device and sure enough it was true his eyes widen as he runs to a phone and trips as he does but continues on and calls blitzo

richtofen: blitzo, we have a situation here at the lab i need everyone here at the lab... yes including loona if possible... ok

he hangs up the phone and awaits everyones arrival

a few hours later several cars pull up including loona in a jeep she was not herself as the loss of michael and PTSD from the war had torn her apart she was obviously sick with a cold but showed up anyway

blitzo: alright richtofen this better be good i had to call loona here even though she is going through a tough time right now

loona said nothing 

nikolai: this better have vodka involved

moxxie: is everything vodka with you

dempsey:it is mox you should know Nikolai is the drunk of the group at this point

takeo: he brings no honor

richtofen: ok shut up this is big news.... he is alive

blitzo: who

richtofen stutters before saying

richtofen: michael

blitzo: impossible

richtofen: but his life signature shows him in a separate universe

loona looks up at the doctor and says

loona: dont do that, dont give me a false sense of hope, you saw the blast there is no way he survived

richtofen: but it is possible that he could have somehow teleported before the blast thus the sudden radio cut off, and here it says that a teleporter powered by element 115 could reach that universe

loona: you better be right about this because if you gave me hope that he is alive and he isnt then i will kill you myself

richtofen: my equipment does not lie and it says he is alive

millie: so what does this mean

richtofen: well me and my scientists will have to construct a teleporter

blitzo: which will take how long 

richtofen: a day or two

blitzo: and what if michael moves around in that time

richtofen: once we get to the universe the transmission will increase and his location will be able to be tracked

loona: wait how long have you had a tracker on him

richtofen: a few years you all also have trackers in you that transmit your location i also have your individual devices labeled to keep track of all of you

moxxie: that is mildly disturbing

richtofen:dont worry i dont use them actively i only use them when someone is lost and needs to be found

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