we'll meet again

6 0 0

meanwhile at King Blitzos tower

King Blitzo sits upon his throne and drinks a fine wine looking out upon his so-called empire as Sir Moxxie the Great walks in and reports the attack

Sir Moxxie: sire one of our bases is under attack

king Blitzo: by whom

Sir Moxxie: the rebels

King Blitzo: I see, how do you plan on taking care of this

Sir Moxxie: I will send out our best troops

King Blitzo: hmm, you are just as weak as you were during the revolution

sir moxxie: pardon?

King Blitzo: you sat back while we did the work and yet you call yourself a war hero, so you are going with those troops and you shall earn the title of war hero, otherwise you will be replaced within the day

Sir Moxxie grunts in anger and goes to gather his troops


Rebel Millie: he hasn't returned from what he called "a little trolling"

Blitzo: Knowing Michael, he probably is going to do something that is unexpected

Loona: that's why I miss him

Moxxie: don't worry if he's here he will be happy to see you

as their conversation continues several large explosions are seen and a familiar smell fills the air a smell that only some could love

Loona: napalm

enemy soldiers walk out screaming and on fire followed by a shotgun-wielding Michael who shoots the burning soldiers as he yells toward the trench

Michael: I love the smell of napalm in the morning!

everyone looks in shock seeing him alive but he hasn't seen them yet, he runs to the trench and is greeted by several rebel soldiers who greet him with victorious yells and cheers, rebel Millie tells the rest of them to wait in the command dugout because the conversation needs to be a bit more private once Michael sees everyone 

Michael: commander did you see that, what did you think

Rebel Millie: great fireworks display, now you got some visitors

Michael: visitors? 

Rebel Millie: yeah, they are in the dugout right over there

Michael: thanks

he walks over still smiling from the little display he put on and he goes in and immediately locks eyes with Loona

Michael: loona?

he runs over and hugs her

Loona: I missed you too 

she cries into his shoulder a bit

Michael: it hasn't been that long

Loona: yes it has, you need to stop playing action movie hero and take more care of yourself

Michael: I know

Loona: you owe me for pulling off your little faking death stunt

Michael: well it wasn't really my choice, but I won't disagree, we are going to have a good time when we get back home

Loona: we better

they share a long-awaited kiss as everyone else looks on and Richtofen turns around so as not to look at the display too long while he writes down notes in a pocket notebook

Loona: that was nice but before we do it again take a shower you smell like napalm and gasoline

Michael: just like the first time we met huh

Loona: that was more dried blood, jungle stench, and gunpowder

Michael chuckles

Michael: eh, not much difference

Blitzo walks up 

Blitzo: I'm starting to think you are a cheesy 1980s action hero 

Michael: well I don't know but I'm starting to think my luck is a bit too good

Blitzo: good to see you Michael

Michael: good to see you to

Moxxie and Millie go up to Michael 

Michael: and how are you both doing

Moxxie: we are good

Millie: yeah, things really slowed down while you were away

Michael: I don't think I was that much of a danger magnet

Moxxie: who knows maybe you were but everyone got used to it

Michael sees Richtofen

Michael: and how's the good ol' doctor doing

Richtofen: I'm fine just writing down details on this universe

Michael: well this place is damn confusing

Blitzo: You're gonna have to explain why everyone looks at me like I'm pure evil

soon another explosion is heard outside as the fire of the napalm had reached a truck and loona dives to the ground and Michael rushes over to her

Michael: What's going on

Moxxie: she gets random flashbacks to the last time you were in battle

Michael: so she has PTSD

Moxxie: yes

Michael grabs a pill bottle and gives Loona one

Michael: hey Richtofen, I knew these would come in handy someday

Richthofen: now I know the reason for the PTSD suppressants 

Loona seems to almost immediately clear up and feel better

Michael: better?

loona: yeah what were those?

Michael: they suppress the flashbacks and other PTSD-related stuff, I took them for a while until the PTSD just went away, anyways I best explain what happened

(hey everyone it's the author if you are enjoying this then leave a comment, I also wanted to say sorry for the long time away, I have been stressed with school and work but now I have time to write, thank you all and the next chapter should be out soon)

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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into the voidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें