Depuis le début

It was quiet and slightly dark. Juliet let red energy travel through her fingers as she walked down through the alleys made by the storage, leading the boys behind her. She glanced around, keeping her eyes set out for Grey. Juliet found him when she peered down one of the aisles, and she pushed her hand back, making the boys stay sheltered. Juliet walked further down, the sound of her boots against the floor echoing through the place.

"Griffin Grey," Juliet announced, and he turned towards her. "So, you kidnapped Harrison Wells, which is kind of a criminal offense, so let him go."

"I can't do that," Grey protested. "Not yet."

Juliet raised an eyebrow. "No?"


Grey then reached over and picked up a metal barrel like it weighed absolutely nothing. Juliet's eyes slightly widened as he chucked it towards her, it flying through the sky with incredible speed. She then lifted up her hand and focused on the barrel in midair. Instantly, it stopped, floating with red energy around it. She pushed her hand forwards, successfully launching the barrel right back towards Grey.

"Yeah, I can do that, too," Juliet called as Grey ducked to get out of the way. "You're not special."

Grey picked up another barrel and threw it at her. However, this one didn't go as smoothly, because it flew right past Juliet to where the boys were hiding — apparently, he could see them. Juliet glanced back — yeah, they were in plain sight. How convenient.

"I can do this all night," Grey voiced, throwing another barrel.

Juliet stopped it midair again and threw it back towards him. "Same. This back and forth is getting really boring, honestly. How about we call it a draw, except I'm the winner?"

"We just want Wells," Joe shouted. "Just let him go."

"Not until I'm done with him!" Grey yelled.

He picked up another barrel. However, as he lifted it upwards, Barry came out of fucking nowhere and shot Harry's gun . . . and missed. Grey turned towards him and threw the barrel at Barry. It hit him square in the chest and sent him flying backwards.

"Barry!" Juliet screamed.

Grey looked at him, but in front of her very eyes, she watched him get older — like grey hair and wrinkles, get older. "Too slow."

While Juliet was completely distracted, he picked up yet another barrel and chucked it at her. It hit her stomach, completely knocking all the wind out of her, and made her fly backwards. Juliet landed on the ground — hard — with a groan. Grey walked away, and Juliet just laid there for a moment, practically contemplating life. She then touched her hand to her stomach, and her skin glowed red before the bruise went away. Although she was a bit winded, she got up and ran towards Barry, dropping to her knees beside him.

"Oh, I think I need some medical attention," Barry said.

"You're stupid," Juliet replied. "You're absolutely dumb."

Barry let his head fall onto the floor. "How'd I know you were going to say that?"

"Because I told you to stay behind me, and you didn't, and now you're hurt." Juliet brushed some hair away from his forehead. "For once, could you just listen to me?"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to do something."

Juliet sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. She then extended her other hand to Joe and Cisco, who held onto it together. Juliet teleported them all back to S.T.A.R. Labs and got out of her suit while Joe called Iris, who came quick. Meanwhile, Juliet was busy putting a wrap around Barry's bruised abdomen — she was no Caitlin, but it was good enough. Once it was all the way around, she patted his stomach gently. Barry gave her a small smile while letting his shirt fall.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 ―  b. allen ²  ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant