"No bitch you are a drama queen, screaming like that got me thinking somebody broke in yo shit." Skye huffs and Bria laughs while picking up her phone and putting her purse across her body.

"Shut up, you were just as dramatic in college."

"Yeah you're right when I was 19, bitch you 26, what's your excuse?"

Bria ignores her friend while shutting off all the lights and locking her door. She walks down the hall to the elevator and gets in. She rides down and as she steps off.

"Okay I'm walking out the building now, wish me luck."

"Good luck best friend, fuck him if you can." Skye says and they both laugh as she goes through the revolving door.

Immediately Jordan gets out of the driver's side and walks around the car to the passenger side as she gets closer.

"Bye Skye." He hears her say as she gets closer. When she finally looks up and they make eye contact a smile breaks out on her face.

"Hi." She says softly and he returns the smile and opens the door. He flicks his wrist in a playful manner, ushering her into the car causing them both to chuckle a little.

A couple seconds later Jordan appeared on his side and got in the car, "You look amazing as usual."

"Thank you, casual right?"


"You look nice too but I bet you already knew that." She says while he pulls off.

"And how would I know that?" He asks while stopping at a red light.

"Have you looked at yourself lately?" She asks rhetorically and he laughs. Yes, she was joking but she was also being very serious. That was her way of saying he was out of her league without blatantly saying it.

"Even though I just saw you early this morning, how was your day?"

"Ehh pretty chill, I got up, finished some work, went grocery shopping and then laid around the rest of the day... probably really uneventful compared to you huh?"

"What is it you think I do all day?" He asks then turns to her with a playful smile, because he was genuinely curious.

"Uh I don't know, hang with celebrities all day, work out, go to yacht parties, something." She shrugs and he laughs.

"A yacht party? In February?" She laughs and he does too. "You want to know what I did today? Slept, got yelled at by my mom because I forgot to come over and went to the gym."

"Well I was one for three, not too bad."

"33%, you're the teacher here, you tell me, is that failing?"

"Ha ha ha." She says sarcastically.

"Seriously though, I think you're overestimating my life."

"Well I don't mean to, I just don't know anything about what NBA players do in their free time."

"Well believe it or not, the exact same thing you do."

"If you say so."

They drive to the movie theater with music playing and occasional small talk before parking in the parking lot. Jordan gets out first as usual and goes to her side. She gets out and he closes the door before he grabs her hand and hits the lock.

As they begin to walk towards the entrance Bria notices a person walking towards them recognize Jordan, "Someone is looking."

"It's okay." He says as they pass the man and make their way into the movie theater.

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