Finding out i am wanripa part 4

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We reach the where the generator is located and go where the generators are.

Jaha says " let's solve this 5-minute problem. The hydro farm should be directly above us." We keep walk to get there.

Octavia says " 5-minute problem. Even if we find a way to take back the farm, there's still too many people in this bunker." She stops and looks at jaha.

Jaha says " there always have been. This is it" we found the generator. Me and Octavia takes the hood off our heads. As jaha begins to work. He falls over, me and octvaia catches him. He says " let me just have a minute." I grab the thing jaha had to open the thing and I begin to try and get it open and I do get it open and it falls to the ground loudly.

I say " what's next."

Jaha is on one knee infront of the thing. Octvaia says "hey, are you still with us?"

Jaha says " all I need to do is connect the finial wires." I nod my head.

I say " then do it. Let's go." Me and Octavia moves to leave. While jaha sits down.

Jaha says " no" me and Octavia stops and turn around.
Jaha continues but talking to Octavia. " I know you've never felt like you were apart of our people, and I don't fault you for that. Living in the ark must have been so hard for you, so I'm truly sorry about that, octvaia." I stay where I am as octvaia gets close to jaha.

Octvaia says " do we need to talk about this right now?" I stand there.

Jaha says " yes. Because like it or not we are your people. When you won the conclave, you saved us, too." Octavia turns around.

Octavia says " what the hell do you want from me, jaha? Connect the damn wires." I start to get annoyed with this.

Jaha says " I said no. Once we open that door, the grounders gathered on the outside will pour in and kill everyone on the inside, guilty and innocent alike, even the children. I can't let that happen. I won't." I start to thing of a plan while I stand there and Octavia steps back and sits down.

Octavia says " then we all die."

Jaha says " go to the door. Make the grounders stand down, and when I have your word that only the guilty will be punished I'll send the surge." I nod my head but I know they won't listen to Octavia.

Octavia says " they won't listen to me." I nod to that

Jaha says " make them listen. You don't have to be a commander to command."

Octavia says " I am not a leader, jaha. I'm a fighter, warrior."

Jaha says " and a warrior needs a war, an enemy." Octavia nods her head. She says " yeah"

Jaha says " on the ark, we made death the enemy. That's how we survived, and anyone who did anything to push us closer to death was eliminated. You hate me because I floated your mother, but when she broke the law, she pushed us closer to death, so she made herself the enemy." Octvaia stood up an yanked her sword out. And jaha continues " so now you know what it takes to lead." Octvaia pushes the walkie-talkie towards jaha and he grabs it.

I turn to them and say " how about I do it." They both looked at me. Octavia nods

Octavia says " yes they would listen to you more." I nod

I say " ok let's go." She nods and turns to jaha.

Octvaia says " just try not to die before it's done." And me and her take off towards the place.

We and Octavia finally get there and I hear Niylah say" there here" as we reach them I hand my cloak to Octavia as Indra turns to us.

Indra asks " is it open? Is it done?"

I says " not yet. There's something I need to do." I move Octavia out the way and head towards the grounders. I yell " hey! I can open the door."

A ground walks to me and says " then do it, heda, so we can rid ourselves of their honor less people once and for all."

I say " they are people, but they are my people but so are you, all of you. We will take back the farm for wonkru, and that includes the innocent people on the other side of that door." The guy looks back then charges at me. I block him attack and stab him in the stomach and yank my sword back and watches as he falls to the ground I look up.

In the corner of my eye I see Octavia try and go towards me but Gaia stops her and says " no. She needs to do this herself."

I put my sword up and say " you are wonkru, or you are the enemy of wonkru. Choose." A mother guy comes at me and I duck down and slice him in the stomach. He falls as another guy comes for me I spin and block him hit and stab him in his stomach and hold him and take his knife and say " for jaha." While taking my sword out. I look back to the group and say " you are wonkru, or you are the enemy of wonkru. Choose." Another guy comes and I block his hit by spinning and slicing another guy. Then I block another's hit my spinning around and stabbing them in the back. I tuned back around for the other one and I block by crouching and slicing him stomach.

I stay turned around and on one knee and say " you are wonkru, or you are the enemy of wonkru." I stand up and spin around thrusting my sword pointing at the group while saying " choose." Another comes and I slice his stomach and then slice his shoulder. Another comes and I stab him in the stomach. I then hit the other one with the sword the slash his stomach and he falls while also spinning to slash this other guy in the stomach just to stab the last one in the face. I pull my sword out and he falls.

I look around at everyone to see if anyone attacks and I say " you are wonkru, or you are the enemy of wonkru." I slide my sword against my arm and lean back and say " choose." I spin around and look at another guy pointing his knife at me just like some of the others but no one moves untill one does and I kick him in the stomach and he goes back and I slash him in the face. Then I slash the last one all in the face. And they go down.

I turn to the rest of the group and say " i am wanripa and I am the commander of this wonkru and I have been in hiding until I can rise to power and now that I have, you all are under my command and no one will betray wonkru, cause you are wonkru, or you are the enemy of wonkru. Choose." They all look shocked and scared but none of them move until they start bowing down. I pull out the walkie talkie and say into it " it's over. Open the door."

The door is opened and we walk in I say " only the guilty! I want them alive." I see cooper trying to run I see Octavia and I pull her with me. Me and her head to the door cooper walked into. I kick the door open and Octavia throws a knife to the hand cooper had her hand on the gun. Making her drop the gun and cry. I say " it won't be that easy."


Finally we got to the part

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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