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As much as Draco would like to complain, except towards the beginning when they were just getting started, he wasn't forced to train as hard as Potter was because, according to Monkey and Trafalgar, he just doesn't have the knack for it.

While it had eternally pissed Draco off that Potter of all people was better at something than him, he had to admit defeat after being treated by Trafalgar and sent to the infirmary for the third time in a week.

That doesn't mean to say that he was completely free. He was still dragged down to the Forbidden Forest, the Forbidden Forest of all places, by Trafalgar who was sometimes uncharacteristically chatty but other times silent as he forced Draco into reading books which he definitely did not enjoy.

Who enjoys books about the muggle society? Especially the scientific and totally not fascinating aspect of their healing sides? Not him, he's only reading this medical book because Trafalgar had given it to him, it's definitely not interesting at al–

"There's no way that would have worked! How could someone still live after being cut open without spells to stabilize them?!" Draco wondered out loud in bewilderment. "How barbaric!"

"Barbaric?" An amused voice cut him off from his thoughts and turned to look at Trafalgar who was sitting a few distance away from him and reading his own book. Light poured down on him causing the dark tint of blue in his hair to shine and make his eyes glow. Devilishly handsome asshole.

"I suppose if you look at it one way, it is. Especially the tons of failures and experiments that had to go through before we were able to get to modern medicine."

Draco looked at him warily before pushing on. Besides, maybe if Draco annoy Trafalgar enough

he'd let him leave early for today.

"Why are you so fascinated by muggle healing anyways? It's not like we need their methods, we have magic and potions which are far superior and more useful than whatever they have. It's why wizards are far more superior than muggles after all," Draco asked with a proud smirk on his face.

Trafalgar looked away from his book and turned to look at Draco. He looked Draco in the eyes, and seemed to be looking for something. Draco squirmed on where he was squatting but determinedly kept his eyes at Trafalgar

"And what did you wizards do, to earn that superiority? Exactly where are you more superior than those "muggles"?" Trafalgar asked, amusement and a sense of pity in his voice. The way that Trafalgar looked at him raised his hackles and made him wanna defend himself. "If you take your magic, what is so special about you? Aren't you just the same as them, only with magic?"

Draco couldn't think of an answer, Trafalgar didn't let him.

"Come to think, aren't they better than you guys?"

Draco wanted to protest, Trafalgar didn't let him.

"After all, they have advanced far more in a few years than you guys have in centuries. And they don't even have magic."

Draco wanted to make him stop, to tell him to stop lying to him but he can't deny those. He read them, Trafalgar had made him read those books about the different aspects of muggle society. There was photographic evidence in those books, he can't deny the truth of those.

"Wonder what that makes you wizards, who have not advanced much even with magic in your disposal?"

Something in Draco just broke. But he refused to believe it at all.

"Liar," Draco said, voice forcefully even, glare coming back full force as a swirl of emotions filled his entire body. He refused to believe it. "You're just trying to fill my head with this silly nonsense in an attempt to discredit the facts that wizards are far superior than any muggle will ever be."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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