Lorcan entered Weasley Wizard Wheezes carrying drinks and a bag of food from Starbucks. He sat the stuff on the counter in front of his future in laws. Fred shook his head and tried to stop his laughter from escaping his lips.

"She's over a hour late but had time to stop at Starbucks?" Fred asked clearly amused as he opened the bag.

"I actually have a valid reason why I'm so late, Freddie." Roxanne told him with an eye roll as she finally caught up with Lorcan.

"No arguing, your father is already upset as it is." Angelina reminded the two young adults. "I do have some errands to attend to. Why did you need me to meet you here, darling?" She asked her daughter curiously.

"Where's Dad?" Roxanne asked her as she passed the woman a coffee. She then took two envelopes out of her bag and sat them on the counter.

"Oh, trust me. You do not want to see him ri-" Fred began but he was cut off by his father.

"You're late, Roxanne." George stated as he joined them at the counter. Fred took the last coffee and passed it to his father with an amused grin.

"It's okay, Dad. She brought a peace offering." Fred told him with a laugh. George simply rolled his eyes at him.

"This past week you've been late every single day and I honestly don't want to hear your excuses or your peace offerings. Just go home. If I can't depend on you as an employee, I definitely can't depend on you to take over the shop." George told her, taking her by surprise.

"You're sending me home for being late the last few days?" Roxanne asked him. George shook his head.

"No, im not sending you home because you've been late the last few days. Im firing you because you've been late the last few days." George replied. Roxanne crossed her arms, trying her best to keep her composure.

"You're really going to fire your daughter over something little like this when you don't even know what's been going on? You're being an ass, Dad." Roxanne defended herself. George shrugged at her.

"Like I said, I don't want to hear your excuses. Aside from that, I am not talking to you as your father, I am talking to you as your boss." George replied. Fred gave his sister a questioning look.

"What has been going on? You left Rose's wedding early last night and it really isn't like you to be late like this. And I just noticed that you didn't get a coffee." Fred pointed out. Roxanne picked up the envelopes and that were sitting on the counter and slid them back into her purse.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Roxanne replied quietly as she felt her eyes begin to water. She let out a frustrated groan. "What the hell is wrong with me?" She asked out loud as she wiped away the tears. Lorcan wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

"Nothing is wrong with you, it's completely normal, babe." Lorcan assured her with a small smile.

"Crying isn't going to work, Rox." George told her nonchalantly. Roxanne rolled her eyes at him.

"Im not crying about this, Dad. Im pregnant and my body is broken. I can't eat anything. I can't drink anything. All I want to do is sleep. I cry over the smallest and most idiotic things. Certain smells make me sick. I feel like shit. I would have been on time, but I overslept. And I would have only been a few minutes late but we had to go back home so I could change. Because I vomited quite literally everywhere. Im sorry, Dad, for snoozing my alarm one too many times this week. Im sorry that I can't control what my body does. And i'm sorry for buying all of you coffee and snacks to try to make up for being late this week. Im sorry that I have something growing inside me and my body forgot how to freaking function properly." Roxanne ranted. Before anyone could react, Fred instantly engulfed his sister in a hug.

"You're going to be a kick ass mum, Ro. If it's a boy, you better not forget about our deal." Fred told her with a smile before pulling away. "Tell anyone about that hug, you're dead to me." He added, causing Roxanne to laugh.

"That's so exciting! How far along are you? And what deal?" Angelina asked curiously. Roxanne took the two envelopes out of her purse once more and handed one to her mother and handed the other one to Fred.

"A little over a month. I made copies of the first sonogram for you guys. As for our deal, he's going to name his first born son Fred, and Im naming mine George. The next generation of Fred and George." Roxanne told her with a smile as the two quickly opened the envelopes. George looked over Fred's shoulder and smiled.

"You're right, I was being an ass." George admitted before looking back at his daughter. "But I'm still sending you home. If you're not feeling good, you should be at home resting, not here." George added. Roxanne sighed and shook her head.

"Dad, I'm fine. Really, I can han-" Roxanne started but she was cut off.

"There is quite literally nothing you can say to change my mind." George told her before pulling her into a hug. "Take a few days and take advantage of the time you have left to sleep. If that baby is anything like you, you won't be getting much when it's here." He told her as he laughed, causing Roxanne to roll her eyes once more.

"It's not the worst idea, babe. I have the next few nights off and it's honestly been a minute since we spent actual time together." Lorcan reminded her with a small smile.

"I would say it's been a little over a month." Fred joked with a smirk. Lorcan chuckled and held up his middle finger.

"You would be correct and I think I liked you better when you cringed at the thought of me sleeping with your sister instead of making jokes about it." Lorcan told him, earning a shrug from the young man. Roxanne shook her head as she took her fiancée's hand.

"I'll call you when I'm feeling better, Dad." Roxanne told her father before the couple left the shop. She rested her head on Lorcan's shoulder as the two of them walked down the street of Diagon Alley hand in hand.

"I still feel like your parents aren't the biggest fans of our relationship. I know they like me as a person but I just feel like they're waiting for me to fuck up or something." Lorcan said, breaking the silence. Roxanne nodded in agreement.

"I know. I get that feeling too. But their opinions don't matter. I love you and I trust you, that's what matters." Roxanne told him. He smiled and nodded.

"I love you too, Rox. Never really pictured myself ever starting a family, but I'm glad it's with you." Lorcan told her as the two continued walking, silence feeling the very little space between them once again.

A/N: hope you guys enjoyed❤️❤️ i love you all

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