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Yn groaned as her slumber got interrupted by the alarm she had set. The h/cnette checked the clock, the arrows showing it was 2:45pm, making the girl swiftly get up in a hurry.

She was afraid of being late, as the studio was 1 hour away. Yn started to get ready, brushing her teeth,hair, doing her makeup to which she later realised she would have to get wiped off later for the photoshoot but just said "fuck it."

After some time of nervously thinking in what to wear, yn finally made a decision.

(Insert an outfit bc wattpad hates me)

The h/cnette thought it was casual but formal enough, she wanted to leave a good impression atleast.

/n put her shoes on and went out, nervous and excited, her stomach in knots, she called a taxi and gave the driver the location.

As she stared outside the window, lost in her thoughts, the tall buildings getting passed, a particular thought made her get out of her zoning out space.

"I'm so excited.. holy shit I can't believe I'm actually doing a photoshoot, I wonder how the guys will react...
The guys will react..?"

Y/n jumped and even scared the driver, for some reason, the thought of the bluelock prisoners seeing her in advertisements never crossed her mind, and now that the realisation hit she was a red mess, they never saw her dolled up or in a pretty dress, and she was never planning on letting them see.

But what could the h/cnette do about that? Nothing. That made her even more stressed, no matter what she did they would still see the advertisement because it would be fucking public.

She tried to shrug it off, because it wasn't like she was afraid they were gonna make fun of her, but most likely that they were gonna see her differently, just like your perspective of someone changes everytime you see a new side of them.

Anyhow, without even realising it, time had passed.
"Uhh... excuse me ma'am.. were at the location" the taxi driver waved and stared at her through his rear mirror.
"Oh yes, thank you so much, how much do I owe you?" She nodded
"30€ ma'am" the taxi driver sweat dropped.

Y/n, after giving the driver the owed amount, she raised her head to admire the giant tall building, mesmerised by how many floors it had and the idea of her having a photoshoot gave her a thrilling feeling that she was some important supermodel.

The h/cnette entered the elevator, pressed the button.
"Holy shit they even got floors with the triple digits what the actual fuck."

After getting out, her footsteps echoing, she got welcomed by a woman, which you assumed was an assistant.
She guided you to a noisy vicinity, which left you speechless, like cmon, you felt like y/n in those fanfics.

You tried to keep a professional demeanour but anyone could tell you were super excited, like bringing a kid to an amusement park.

You consulted a stylist, asking to show you what you'll wear, of course you didn't dare to touch the outfit, or anything really.
Everything here just seemed too expensive and the thought of even leaving dust on it sent chills to your spine.

While looking around the room, you notice a familiar face, a fresh one too.
You kept staring at the person in hopes of recognising them, but they seemed to catch you staring and started walking towards you.

The closer he got, the more your eyes widened.
It was the person from the flight.
"That bitch" you thought as you clicked your tongue, your sudden aura change made the stylist sweatdrop.

"Who's that person?" rethinking of your past encounter, you got even more visibly upset.
"It's one of the makeup artists, he's quite rude and judgemental, do you know him?" They replied while getting curtains ready.

"Ew, what? I'm not letting them near me." You closed the curtains getting ready to change.
"I totally get you."

After closing the curtains, you were about to undress before someone opened them again, asking for help from the stylist.

The face was very familiar.. but it wasn't the person from the flight...

Hey yall🥺
It's me again #comeback

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