[ 061 ] forget about everything else

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Scarlet turned to her in disbelief. "I just said we don't have to talk now."

Slurring some inaudible words, Celeste smashed the plate down on the floor in burning anger. The sound of it breaking echoed throughout the room. Jaggy was begging for her to stop the moment it happened. Celeste hurled another at the nearest wall with a furious cry.

      Scarlet hated it. She hated every second of it. The sound of the glass shattering, the painful screeching from her mother. Make it stop, make it stop, prayed her mind. Her dainty fingers curled around the wine glass. She didn't move, she stayed frozen. Celeste threw another until two of the expensive, glinting plates were still sitting on the shelf. There was a time when her father—Zircon would throw and break things. Punch a hole into a wall. That anger, the frustration Bridgets carry, Celeste reminded Scarlet of it this time. 

      Please, stop.

"You think this is easy, everything I do for you?" She slurred, breaking into tears.

"I don't fuckin' know!" Scarlet shouted at her. "You don't tell me anything and I don't see you making my life any better, it's like living with a statue!"

"Little Mistress Bridget mustn't shout, Jaggy insists Miss Bridget calms down." Jaggy cried quietly, his hands clasped together as he pleaded, staring up at her furious face and those dried tears on his Mistress' face.

"It's because you don't understand anything!" Celeste yelled back. "You can't—you think this is a fairytale, as if me going easy on you will make your life better but it won't!"

"All I asked was why you're switching up all of a sudden," Scarlet retorted. "I assumed something was wrong. You were so worried all of a sudden."

"I'm worried because you're as fucked-up as your father, and the rest of your damn family, and that's something no amount of love can change, no matter how much I try. Deal with it."

"Like you're any better," she spat with venom, glaring at her. Looking into the ocean blue, she could only see herself in her mother's eyes. The same anger. The same buried feelings begging to come out. "You think I don't see how guilty you feel about the death of that horrible man I call my father, the way you flinch every time—"

"Drop it," Celeste's tone dropped to an intimidating, low one. "Don't bring it up."

"That's what I'm talking about, you preach about me having to understand you when you don't even have a fucking heart, like some emotionless freak!"

"I feel guilty about Zircon's death because I could've done more!" She shouted back. Scarlet felt the world beneath her crumbling to the fire in the core of Earth. A deadly silence encapsulates the mother-daughter pair. "I should've done more," Celeste slapped a shaking hand over her lips, avoiding an escaped gasp.

      Jaggy started to dramatically slam his forehead onto a table's leg, gasping at what Celeste just stated.

With slow steps and a cryptic change in Scarlet's eyebrows, she neared her mother's shaking figure. "What do you mean?" Her thin brows pinched together in suspicion. There were times she wondered how her mother could tolerate it all.

"I didn't mean to," she whimpered, curled up in a corner with her back against the wall, now crying more heavily. Guilt, remorse, and horror danced in her crystal eyes. "He was so horrible... I–I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to."

You didn't mean to what, mother? Confusion took over Scarlet as she questioned in her mind, and her heart thudded against her chest like a caged animal.

"Did you do something to him?" She asked in an accusatory tone.

"Little Miss Bridget must stay quiet!" Jaggy snapped, his tone changing to a scolding one.

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