Chapter 15: Planning

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"So....." Ryan slid off his headphones and got the boys' attention. "You know what's coming up....." They had been home for almost a week and busy editing both videos for their channel. 

"Halloween." Wyatt said quickly.

"Quinn's bday." River said at the same time.

Ryan nodded. "Yep. She was born on Halloween."

"What? How did I not know this?" Wyatt shook his head. "We have to do something then!"

River shook his head. "She doesn't like to make a big deal about her birthday."

"Everyone should....."

"Nope. Not her." Ryan stopped Wyatt's words. "But....I was thinking...." He rubbed his hands together. "What if we had a few people over for a Halloween party and it 'accidentally' turned into a birthday thing?"

"She's going to hate it." River shrugged.

"Yeah, I get it. She doesn't like attention." Ryan sat back in his chair as he thought.

"Or being scared." Wyatt added.

"Or people." River grinned and took a drink of his coffee.

"We could have a horror movie characters."

"Yes! I love it! She's going to hate it but I love it." River laughed.

"Well we could say it's a new place/Halloween party."

"I already know what character I'm going as."

"We could invite the boys....." Ryan scrolled through his contacts in his phone. "It could be a Halloween slumber party! Everyone brings their own sleeping bag or mattress or whatever."

Wyatt laughed. "That could be interesting. A bunch of ghost hunters in one place."

"Are you going to break the news to her?" River asked, his brow raised.

"I'll text everyone to see they can make it and go from there." Ryan said as he started texting out invites. 


Two days later, Ryan closed the dishwasher and looked up to see Quinn coming into the kitchen. "Hey......we're thinking about having a small Halloween party....kind of a new house party."

"Okay." She said as she walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.

"Yeah.....I was thinking about doing a horror movie character theme."

"And who are you thinking about being?" She said as she leaned against the counter.

"Jigsaw." He practically giggled. "I'm going to have to find a tricycle to ride."

"That sounds....interesting." She laughed.

"But scary." Ryan grinned.

"Yes, scary. Who are you inviting?"

"Just some of the YouTubers we've done collabs with and a few other people we know. Maybe ten people. So start thinking about what character you're going to be."

"For Halloween." She narrowed her eyes at the twin.

"Well....yeah....unless you're coming as yourself. That's scary sometimes."


"Wyatt's excited. He's never been to a Halloween party before." Ryan picked up his phone again. "Don't tell anyone about my costume. I want it to be a surprise." He said and winked at her.

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