True Parentage & Dragon Queen

Start from the beginning

Jon was standing in the great hall holding a message up for the lords to see. "This message was sent to me by Samwell Tarly. He was my brother at the Night's Watch. A man I trust as much as anyone in this world. He's discovered proof that Dragonstone sits on a mountain of Dragonglass."

The lords murmured amongst themselves. Jon handed the first note to Robett Glover, before holding up a different note for the lords to see.

"I received this a few dais ago from Dragonstone. It was sent to me by Tyrion Lannister."

The lords murmured louder.

"He's now Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen. She intends to take the Iron Throne from Cersei Lannister. She has a powerful army at her back and if this message is to be believed, three dragons."

The lords spoke among themselves and look concerned.

"Lord Tyrion has invited me to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys and I'm going to accept."

There was a negative outcry from the lords gathered in the hall

"We need this Dragonglass, My Lords. We know that Dragonglass can destroy both White Walkers and their army. We need to mine it and turn it into weapons."

The lords nodded in agreement.

"But more importantly, we need allies. The Night King's army grows larger by the dau. We can't defeat them on our own. We don't have the numbers. Daenerys has her own army and she has dragon fire. I need to try and persuade her to fight with us. Ser Davos and I will ride for White Harbor tomorrow, then sail for Dragonstone."

"Have you forgotten what happened to our grandfather? The Mad King invited him to King's Landing and roasted him alive." Sansa reminded him. Especially with the discovery of his parentage, it made this opportunity much more dangerous.

"I know that."

"She is here to reclaim the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. The North is one of those seven kingdoms. This isn't an invitation, it's a trap."

"It could be, but I don't believe Tyrion would do that. You know him. He's a good man. "

Yohn Royce stood up and turned to face Jon. "Your Grace, with respect I must agree with Lady Sansa. I remember the Mad King all too well. A Targaryen cannot be trusted, nor can a Lannister."

The lords shouted in agreement.

"We called your brother king, and then he rode South and lost his kingdom." Robett Glover concurred.

"Winter is here, Your Grace. We need the King in the North in the north."

The lords pound the tables in agreement.

"You all wished to crown me your king. I nevr wanted it, I nevr asked for it, but I accepted becoming a warden because the North is my home. It's part of me and I will never stop fighting for it, no matter the odds. But the odds are against us. None of you have seen the Army of the Dead. None of you. We can never hope to defeat them alone. We need allies, powerful allies. I know it's a risk. But I have to take it."

"Then send an emissary. Don't go yourself." Sansa pleaded. What would happen if Daenerys discovered his secret? He posed an even greater risk than her older brother.

"Daenerys is a queen. She asked for me specifically. I can convince her to help us. It has to be me."

"You're abandoning your home, your people."

"I'm leaving both in good hands."


"Yours. You are my sister. There must alwys be a Stark in Winterfell. With Bran being the Three-Eyed Raven, it has to be you. Until I return, the North is yours." He told her.

"What about her older brother?" One of the lords asked. "Word is he is alive and has dragons as well."

"From what I'm told, her older brother supports her claim. He is much more occupied with raising his family with his wife."


"He has wed Aelinor Baratheon, Lady Regent of Highgarden."

Their audience murmured amongst themselves.

A Targaryen and Baratheon. No one could have seen that coming.

[Winterfell - The Crypt]

Jon stood in the torchlit crypt looking at a statue of Ned Stark, the man he had believed to be his biological father. It didn't matter. They were still blood and he had done what was necessary to protect Jon. He raised and protected him, as the only father he knew.

Lord Baelish approached him. "I delivered his bones myself. I presented them to Lady Catelyn as a gesture of goodwill from Tyrion Lannister. It seems like a lifetime ago. Do give Lord Tyrion my best when you see him." He looked up at the statue of Ned Stark. "I was sorry when he died. Your father and I had our differences but he loved Cat very much. So did I. She wasn't fond of you, was she? Well, it appears she vastly underestimated you. Your father and brothers are gone, yet here you stand Warden of the North. Last best hope against the coming storm.

Jon turned to face him. "You don't belong down here."

"Forgive me. We have nevr talked properly. I wanted to remedy that."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Not even thank you? If it weren't for me you'd have been slaughtered at that battlefield. You have many enemies, My Lord, but I swear to you I'm not one of them. I love Sansa as I loved her mother."

Jon grabbed Baelish by the throat and pushed him against the wall, causing the man to begin choking.

"Touch my sister and I'll kill you myself."

Jon released Littlefinger and turned, exiting the crypt.

He walked into the courtyard towards his horse. Ser Davos was seated on his own horse awaiting him. Jon climbed onto his horse and looked back. He saw Sansa on the upper level of the courtyard and waved goodbye, which she returned. Jon, Davos and some Winterfell guards rode out of the gate, exiting the courtyard.

He could only hope this was not for nothing. The Dead was coming and they needed more living bodies to fight them. This was their best hope.

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