The Morning After

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I don't know how much time had passed but I awoke to silence all through the castle. Was the battle over? I lifted my head and noticed I had fallen asleep on Melisandre's shoulder. We spent the remainder of the night in a dark corner of the library, not talking much but enjoying the company of a friendly face.

"You snore" Melisandre mumbled giggling from next to me.

I smiled at her then looked towards a nearby window and saw early morning sunlight flooding in. It danced across the room in stripes and I watched the various colours of books being brought to life. I turned back to Melisandre and she was watching the sun too, thoughtfully. Without a word she rose and walked to the door. Before she opened it however she looked back at me.

"I must go now, My work here is done. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance my Lady." She slipped out the door in silence and I bolted to my feet to run after her. She reached a corner with me right behind her but I was quick to grab her wrist. She stopped, her head bowed. When she looked up at me I saw tears in her eyes.

"Please, this is for the best. I've been stuck for many years and now it's time for me to find peace." A tear rolled down her cheek and onto her lips. Even through sadness she was entirely breathtaking.

I had no idea why I did it but a moved towards her and kissed her. The moment our lips met a small gasp escaped her, I'd clearly taken her by surprise. I'd taken myself by surprise as well for that matter. Feeling embarrassed I pulled away and continued to stand still, waiting for her to say something but she didn't. She just stared into my eyes with a questioning expression.

After a moment of stillness a door opened to our right and I turned to see Ser Davos enter the coridoor. Melisandre took her wrist from my hand and met his gaze.

"Ser Davos Seaworth, I cannot change what I did. I regret it will all my heart. Today is the day my life is to end, but please let me do it on my own terms."

He stared in disbelief but his face was softer than normal. If Melisandre was ever mentioned around him his jaw would lock in anger. He said nothing but bowed his head before walking away. Melisandre came back to where I stood and looked at me deeply.

"I have lived many years and made many mistakes, the Lord of light needs me no more. The army of the dead are no more, it's time for me to say goodbye." She said this in a voice just slightly above a whisper.

"No" I said. "You can't just die, don't you want to find someone to spend forever with? You can find happiness if you look hard enough." I was desperate, I still can't explain these sudden feeling but I needed her to stay, always.

She brushed my cheek with a finger and ran her thumb over my lips. Her touch was electric.

" It was an honour to have found happiness in your company in my final days. But my dear, I've been wanting to die for many years but the Lord would not allow it. Now is that time. I have outstayed my welcome in this world."

I couldn't take it, I'd felt something with her I'd never felt with anyone in my whole life, she couldn't just leave now. Tears welled up in my eyes as the reality of the situation rested on my shoulders. I knew in my heart I would never meet another like Melisandre...

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