CHAPTER 19 || Sleepover

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Nando looks at his watch and sighs loudly. "Come on darling, it won't be so bad." Comes from the right. "With RB Seb and Mick in a Schumacher era it's going to be anything but fun grumbles the Spaniard.

"Say goodbye to the kids and let's go." But his counterpart only says and the Aston Martin driver goes to the kids. Then he says goodbye to his partner and goes on his way.

After a relaxed and quiet drive, as he is driving alone, he arrives at 4pm. Lewis is already in front of the house waiting for him.

The two do a quick handshake and then go inside. "Well, we still have an hour before the rest arrive." Lewis enlightens the older man.

"Then why the hell am I here already?" Growls Nando. "So that this doesn't end in complete chaos." Sighs the Brit.

"There are 20 grown-up people, there's not that much that can happen." The older man rolls his eyes. "Are you pretending or are you really that stupid?" Lewis asks, slightly annoyed.

"You're the one who adopted Carlos, Stoffel, Yuki, Esteban and somehow Max!" Discusses the Mercedes driver. Silence. "Yeah okay, that's a point to consider." Admits the 2-time world champion.

So they spend the next hour getting drinks, handing out snacks, bringing pillows and blankets downstairs, putting mattresses on the floor and, most importantly, moving anything made of glass to safety.

The bell rings promptly at 5pm and Lewis and Nando look at each other in disbelief. The younger ones are NEVER on time. The younger one quickly runs to the door and opens it. Surprised, he stops. [Sorry btw, 17:00 is 5pm, not 16:00]

Sebastian Vettel is at the door. And he's not in a good mood. Why he is in such a bad mood, the others don't know.

He enters and immediately goes to the sofa where he drops and waits for the others. They arrive every minute and at a quarter past 5 everyone is there.

They talk in small groups, albeit very uncertainly. Max is the only one not there yet.

Lewis' mobile phone rings and he leaves the room to make a call. After about 10 minutes he comes back. "Max will be there in about 20 minutes." He informs the rest, who nod in confusion.

Sure enough, the young Dutchman shows up half an hour later. He brings board games with him. The younger ones immediately start setting up the board of a game they made themselves called "Race of the Legends".

The doorbell rings shortly before 8. Nando opens the door with a mischievous grin and lets the two men in.

In the living room they are blinked at perplexedly and the youngest of the three says gleefully, "The food order's here!"

Shortly afterwards he is hugged tightly by Kevin. "Romain! How good to see you!" The Dane murmurs into his old teammate's hoodie.

Jenson is greeted enthusiastically by Alex and the others also greet the two former racing drivers cheerfully.

The homemade pizza of the hobby cooks is quickly gone and the mood is much more relaxed. Checo and Seb, on the other hand, are in a very bad mood and the rest give them a wide berth.

The doorbell rings again and this time Mick opens the door. When he is back in the living room, the rest are amazed. Kimi and Daniil appear behind him.

Daniil immediately runs to Checo and hugs him from behind. The Mexican turns in each other's arms and immediately cuddles up to the Prema driver's chest. Daniil starts murmuring Russian words in Checo's ear. He relaxes completely and leans contentedly against the Russian.

Kimi carefully tries to get to the bottom of Seb's bad mood. The German blocks immediately, but is in a slightly better mood than before.

The Finn keeps trying to make eye contact with the younger man, which he tries to prevent with all his might. Because Seb knows exactly that a moment of carelessness can and will give away his reason. One eye contact or one inconsiderate movement is usually enough to show Kimi what is wrong or what has happened.

While Nico is busily texting with someone, Kevin is trying to get the attention of the taller one, the younger ones are playing the legend race and Checo is cuddling with Daniil while the other older ones are talking, the doorbell rings. Again.

"How many times is the bell supposed to ring?" Max asks, slightly annoyed. Charles smiles shortly but nods in agreement.

Lewis sighs and gets up to open the door. He comes back with five people. Stoffel, Pascal, Nikita, Mark and Nico Rosberg.

"Hey Rose!" The German World Champion is greeted cheerfully by Max and immediately pulled into the game. Stoffel and Pascal go to Oscar and Logan, who are playing UNO with Carlos and Lando. Mark runs straight to Nando and Nikita sits intimidated next to Mick within seconds.

Daniil notices it on his younger compatriot and starts to reassure him in Russian. Checo also tries to take away the former driver's fear.

Nico finally puts his mobile phone away and starts talking to Kevin, which confuses the rest. The two Haas drivers laugh every now and then, even though Nico keeps looking at the door.

When the doorbell rings AGAIN, Danny has had enough. He trudges to the door and yanks it open. "GOD DAMN IT AGAIN, HOW OFTEN-" he starts to rant, but falters.

"I've rarely been greeted so nicely by you." Comes sarcastically from Marc. The MotoGP rider pushes past the Aussie and closes the door before laughing and embracing the overwhelmed man.

"I hope for your sake that was the last person." Seb growls and hides under a blanket. The rest frown, but say nothing. Marc looks uncertainly at Danny who only whispers "Don't worry, he's in a bad mood today. Mick was too until recently, but then Nikita came."

As the mood is loose and cheerful, Jenson suggests "Come on, let's play Spin the Bottle with Truth or Dare!"

"Unless you're scared!" Grins Romain. The two have come mainly to make drama and get the latest gossip.


Next one :)

What question should the drivers get? Write it in the commets. All you have, they can answer a couple ones.

Should I write the time data in military time (24h) or the other one (2 times 12h). For me it doesn't matter which one I use but what's for you guys easier?



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