CHAPTER 19: Edge of Extinction

Start from the beginning

"They got six monsters but I got news for them, we got six Megazords" Chase said.

"Rangers, join me" Keeper said as Ellie stood behind him. All of us held our Dino Sabers in a circle. "All together" Keeper said. All of us placed our Dino Sabers together.

"We must fight to survive. And save the universe" Keeper said. Our Energems went towards us as all of us Morphed.

"Rangers Forever!" all of us said. "Me and Keeper will oversee the battles around the world from here" Ellie said.

"All six Megazords at once" Tyler said. "Let's go" Riley said. All of us left the base.


"Summon Zords!" we shouted as all of us threw our Dino Chargers as we summoned our Zords.

"Dino Chargers! Engage!"

"Dino Drive Activate!" Tyler shouted as he got into Dino Drive.

"Dino Super Drive Saber!" Tyler shouted as he summoned the Dino Super Drive Saber and placed the Dino Charger into the Saber.

"Dino Super Drive Saber! Engage!" the Dino Charger said.

Tyler got into Dino Super Drive.

"Dino Super Drive Saber!" Tyler exclaimed as the rest of us got into Dino Super Drive.

"Dino Charge Megazord! Ready!" Koda and Shelby shouted.

"Ptera Charge Megazord: Para-Raptor Formation! Ready!" Chase, Ivan and Riley shouted.

"Futaba Charge Megazord: Ankylo Formation! Ready!" Touya, Phillip and James shouted.

"Plesio Charge Megazord: Pachy Formation! Ready!" Tyler and Kendall shouted.

"Titano Charge Megazord! Ready!" Zenowing and Hizashi shouted.

"Spino Charge Megazord! Ready!" me and Keigo shouted.

"It's time to destroy those Greenzillas! Let's do it guys!" Tyler said.


"All the Megazords are in position! Rangers, attack!" Ellie said.

"Engaging the Greenzilla in China!" Zenowing said.

"We're battling the New York Greenzilla!" Shelby said.

"Out of London you Green Filth!" Ivan said.

"We're dealing with the New Zealand Greenzilla!" Touya said.

"Your done in Hawai'i!" Tyler said.

"I'm dealing with the Tokyo Greenzilla!" I said.


All of us were still fighting the Greenzillas.

"It's too strong!" Tyler shouted.

"They are too powerful!" James shouted.

"Ptera Lightning Blitz! Our attacks aren't strong enough!" Ivan shouted.

"Then let's amp things up!" Chase shouted.

"Koda, tell me what's happening in New York" Ellie said.

"He very strong! Stego Shield!" Koda shouted.

"Tricera Drill!" Shelby shouted.

"Attack!" Zenowing shouted.

"Ptera Zord! Fire Ball Finish!" Chase, Riley and Ivan shouted.