No backspace challenge

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So I was nominated by BecauseMindCrack to do this challenge, it's where you write a short story without backspace.

I'm doing this on a phone so I'll turn all the spellcheck stuff off first so that it's fair.
I ran, my feet barely touching the ground as my breath came out in short rasps. I look behind me and see the figures gaining on me, gasping as I trip over a lop.

They laugh as i fall to the ground,y foot bent at a weird angel. one grabs me and pulls me to my feet, another holding a gun to my head. I close my eues and one whispers a word in my head ill mever forget.

"stulid, lottle, gau."
Okay so there were 10 mistakes, I bet you!!! :D

I nominate EllenaBull Enderess_Dragon awesomecrazedotaku and The_Cat_Cheshire Good Luck!!!!

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