Chapter Two

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The men look at where the girl once was, shocked out of their minds. They all looked at each other before the masked one sighs, his voice muffled.

"She has to be somewhere, we should go tell Guude and Adlington, they'd want to know."

The Indian warrior, guy with a beard and a bloody apron, multicoloured sheep and orange suit guy nod, all walking back to the spawn village.

They find the two in the town hall, chatting quietly. Their footsteps echo as they make their way over to the duo, Adlington looking scared.

"Is she alright?" "We couldn't stop her from being taken, I'm sorry."

The Minion man sighs and shakes his head, gripping a bracelet. He looks out the window and Guude pats his back, gesturing to the others.

"Thanks guys for trying, she was on the other side of the border wasn't she? They got her where we couldn't. Smart thinking."

"Guude, we're not meant to be complimenting them, we are meant to be finding Ads daughter. Where might she be?"

The leader sighs and pulls out a map, the small group surrounding it. He points to a small looking castle, about 1000 blocks east of where they were.

"That's where she is most likely to be kept. Plenty of place to run and get killed if she's an idiot."

"She's not an idiot, Ivy has the smartest brain I know. She wouldn't get captured so easily."

The guys pat Adlington on the back and he silently gets up, going back home. Guude goes back to the map and points to a little black line, just before the castle.

"They built a nether portal, it's bound to be connected to one of ours as well. We suit up, find the portal, find Ivy, and save her before it's too late and she has to run again."

"It's got to be a little more complicated than that Guude, and it will take a lot more time than you think."

He sighs and nods, rolling the map back up. He stands and the others follow his moves, heading for the door.

"We can only do what we can, as fast as we can. And right now, we need to hurry up."

~{ON_HOLD}~ Running: a MindCrack FFOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant