Chapter 1

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He stood in awe looking at the huge sign board on the gates of his college. "Westwood Academy" a highly prestigious academy, known for it's excellence in all fields. Technology, sports, arts, business, culinary, medicine, you name it and it offers it right on your plate. It's no wonder that this institution always ranks top in charts and all other aspects. The name screams "excellence". It's perfect in all ways.

Or is it?

"Wow...this place is massive". The brown haired boy, Ryan blurted out as his stuff was being moved to his dorm. No lies, Ryan was feeling extremely overwhelmed looking at the huge admin blocks and vast fields. This is so different from his school days.

"Son". A tough voice spoke out from behind him. He turns around to face his father. "You're 18 now, it's time for you to start being responsible and to take care of yourself. You need to make it clear that you're here for your education. No hanging out with loafers and no indulging in bad habits, got it?"

"Yes father. I understand". There was a slight hesitation in his voice. His nervousness. He hoped his father would recognize it and he did, but not exactly for the reason he wished for.

"You don't have to worry about those fags. This institution is reputed and has no place for those kind of people. They're not here to infect you with their illness". He gave his son a small smile and brought him for a hug to which Ryan reciprocates. They pull away and the old man dusts his clothes before continuing.

"Your mom and I will try to visit you whenever we can. Now go and make us proud, you must get that degree you wished for". He says and turns around to sit in the luxurious car and takes off, leaving Ryan with countless thoughts.

Yeah right, they won't visit him even if this college was attacked by zombies. They prefer their high status over their damn son. What degree of his wish? He doesn't even want a business degree. He's solely doing do it so that he can one day take over his parents wealth. But at least one good thing,

No homosexuals in this institution.

Taking a deep breathe, he starts walking towards the college's dormitory and enters the lift. Everything about this place was so enchanting, there's no way those "infected people" could get in. He was relieved, because that's what was taught to him ever since he learnt how to speak.

To stay away from anyone who is a homosexual. They're sinners, they go against the rules of god. They're satan's pawns.
And they were successful in teaching him that. He stayed away from those infected people and swore to hate them. He was at peace knowing that he would be safe here.

That's the level of brainwashing done to the poor boy.

Because this academy was located in the most homophobic parts of the city. That's why his parents chose this particular academy for his education.

The lift opens to the fourth floor and he steps out. He admires the decorations in the hallway as he makes his way to his dorm. Standing in front of it, he sees the nameplate.

Ryan Anderson and Ash Jones

He was excited to meet his first friend here. Ryan was not extremely social. He doesn't mind meeting people and making friends, because that's what helps him deal with his loneliness due to the constant absence of his parents. He had to leave all of his friends behind to study in this college, so it made him a little delightful to meet his roommate.

He unlocks the door with his room key and enters. Once again, he is awed by the stunning room. For this being a dorm, it was definitely on the higher standard. A nicely built kitchen with all necessities, a small decorated balcony, an entry way to their shared room, a small living room beside the kitchen with a decent size couch and a TV.

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