Chapter 9: In The Clouds

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(Y/N) pov:

I was at my desk, clicking my pen repeatedly, lost into thought. I stared down, hearing the sound of my clock ticking and fan blowing in the background. I felt unusually calm. The sun was already down and it was pretty dark outside. Nothing but cherry blossoms flying in the night sky and seeing the stars light up the dark atmosphere. 

I was stuck there, being unproductive. It's funny. Usually I work myself to the bone, but tonight... it was like I had nothing to worry about.

All that was on my mind was Shiromi. I couldn't think about anything else but her. It was like I was lovestruck in a way I couldn't explain.

Was I... falling for her?


I went to bed earlier than before. I was able to wake up just on time. I got up, did all my morning routines, put in some toast, got dressed, grabbed my toast and my suit case and ran out the door.

I arrived at school before everybody else, as usual. I liked walking down this beautiful gateway all by myself. I had the sensation without being swarmed by groups of people.

I walked my way into the school, made my way upstairs and got to the Student Council room. Everyone was there, as usual. It was Friday today, so I was relieved there was no school for two days.

Plus, Friday was always the best day in regard to weather and the mood.

I sat down next to Shiromi, who was giving me a look. No, the look wasn't friendly or smug like usual. I actually saw her blushing lightly. It was like her eyes were peering into my soul. I just shrugged it off and I grabbed some tea and got out my phone. I started scrolling mindlessly until I felt Shiromi's hand touch my arm. 

My eyebrowed rose up and I looked at her hand, then at her. She didn't say anything. She just smiled and winked at me. That caused me to raise a brow and blush. There was a different air that filled the room. I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

All I knew is that Shiromi was acting all touchy-feely with me. Strange. She's never usually like that.

The day went on as usual. Besides from Shiromi giving me flirty advances and what not. I was starting to get some serious butterflies. 

Whatever was coming next, some part of me was looking forward to it.


The bell chimed and I got up from my desk and out from class. I went to my locker and started to pack up to go home. As I was digging around, I saw this pink note. I picked it up and looked at it. It said something like, "Meet me at the Cherry Tree, behind the school." After reading that I looked up and curled my lip in reflection.

After a few seconds of thinking, I followed my instinct and ran over there. I had pepper spray in my pocket, so I had nothing to worry about. But my heart was still pounding out of my chest. I felt like I was going to be sick.

I ran out the back door and got out side. The sky was pinkish-orange, and the wind was warm but fuzzy. I started to get a bit sentimental running to the cherry tree. It wasn't that far. I could see it in the distance. I continued to run until I got there.

I ran up the hill and slowed down to a stop. I rested my hands on my knees, huffing and puffing. The intense feeling in my chest was making me sick, in a good way. I didn't know if it was pounding from my running, anticipation, or both.

After a couple of seconds of me trying to regain my breath, I saw someone come out from behind the tree. I looked up to see who it was, and to my suprise, it was Shiromi. I got startled slightly, but then calmed down. She giggled at me getting scared for a second.

I looked at her and put my hand on my arm. I we stared each other in the eyes. Shiromi kept wearing that smile of hers.

I spoke up. "So, it was you who wanted to meet me here..." I said, looking down to the side.

"What? Were you expecting someone else?" She teased.

I looked at her with a warm smile. "Actually, some part of me knew it was you that put that note in my locker." I replied. I looked down and put my arm down. "But anyways... What did you wanna say?" I asked her, looking at her with a attentive look.

She just smiled at me. To which she said, "I think you might wanna look up." Shiromi said, looked up at the sky wearing a smile.

I raised a brow. I did what she said and turned around slightly and up at the sky. I heard a plane buzzing in the distance. I then saw letters made out of exhaust from the place in the sky. 

The bubbles said, "(Y/N). I want you to know that you're my every ray of sunshine. You always know how to make my day with that sweet smile of yours. I just wanna say, I love you." in the sky.

My eyes widened. I looked at Shiromi with shook. She just giggled at me. Did she really hire a skywriter for this? Damn. I would've been fine with a normal confession, but this. This was at a whole other level of weird. But weird as in endearing. I started to cry tears of joy while making a weak smile.

"I... I love you, too...!" I said, weakly, throwing myself into Shiromi's arms. She laughed and hugged me bag. Feeling of warmth were starting to pulse through me. I couldn't believe she hired a skywriter to just to say that.

She looked at me with a warm smile. "That costed about 25 G's to put up there. Just letting you know." She said, holding me in my arms.

"25 Gs?! Really? Damn... I didn't think you'd spend all that much on-" She then cut me off by kissing me. I was surprised for a second before I closed my eyes and kissed her back. We held each other close as Cherry Blossoms fell and flew around us. The feeling was starting to melt my heart with warmth. It felt fuzzy. Sure, Shiromi and I kissed before, but this kiss was longer and much more passionate.

We pulled away and looked at each other, blushing a bit. She smiled at me, I smiled at her. The feelings were mutual.

I looked down to the ground and made a melancholic smile. "You know, Shiromi... I've always had eyes for you ever since I was a newbie. Did you know that?" I asked her.

"I saw you checking me out from across the room. Don't play dumb with me, Sloppy." She said, playfully.

I sighed. "It's getting late. What do you say we get outta here? Enjoy ourselves with the time we have off?" I asked her with a smile.

"Sounds like a plan." Shiromi said with a smirk. 

I closed my eyes and giggled slightly. I picked up Shiromi and proceeded to carry her away from the tree. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we went away from the tree. We cuddled our heads together as I kept walking with Shiromi in my arms.

At least there was a silver-lining at the end of this all...

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