Chapter 8: Live And Let Live

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(Y/N) pov:

I was a happy man walking home. That feeling of that kiss stuck with me through the entire night. Remembering the feeling of Shiromi's soft lips made me blush. I smiled to myself, as I fell asleep.

I woke up with a bliss. The sound of the birds chirping, the cool but warm breeze coming into my room, brushing across my body. For the first time in forever, I felt refreshed. I stood up out of bed with ease and stretched my arms out. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself. My bruise was fading away, and there were no dark bags under my eyes. I made a genuine smile as I grabbed the comb and combed my hair.

I got dressed and made myself breakfast, since I finally had the time to do so. 

Finally, a good night to end and decent morning to start off with.


I walked to school with a genuine smile on my face. I got the my workspace and opened the door. "I'm home, my lovelies!" I said with a sanguine tone.

Everyone was kinda surprised. Seeing me happy for once. Kuroko's stiff looked dropped into a slightly baffled one. "(Y/N)..." She said with her deadpan voice. That was the first time she said my first name.

"Well someone's happy..." Aoi said, ironically.

"Aw! Welcome back, dear! It's so nice to finally see a smile on your face!" Akrane said, jumping out of her seat in joy with her hands clamped together.

I walked in to the room. Hearing everybody surprised that I was finally in a good mood made me into a good mood. It's like that kiss fixed me somehow. I can't explain why. I sat down next to Shiromi, still wearing my smile.

"Ah-ha! There's a smile I wanted to see today." Shiromi said, looking at me with that smile of hers.

"There's a smile I always see, every single day." I teased.

Shiromi giggled and turned her eyes away from me. I then felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Aoi. She made an unsure expression and looked down to the side. "Hey, uh, (Y/N)... Can I talk to you... for a sec?" She asked me. Her tone obviously sounded unconformable.

I looked to the side and looked back up at her. "Uh... yeah. Sure." I said, getting up.

"I think we should take this outside..." She said.

I shrugged. "Fine by me." I said, following her outside the room. We walked out and Aoi closed the door behind us. She sighed and looked at me. "Listen, Hot Shot. I didn't call you out here because I have a crush on you, or anything like that. I just wanna get this off my chest. What's wrong you?" She asked me.

That caught me off guard. "What?" I asked.

"I ain't stupid, (Y/N). Look at you. You have a massive bruise on your forehead, you always looked dead on your feet, and don't even get me started on your behavior. You haven't been this happy in months. Are you going insane or something?" She asked me, raising a brow in skepticism. 

"Well..." I said, trying to regain my thoughts. I sighed and looked down to the side in defeat. "This week has probably been the craziest week of this semester so far. All the drama going on around the school is eating me up, inside and out. I'm trying to keep a handle on it, but... it's difficult. It gets more and more difficult." I replied.

Aoi's facial expression was a mix of her typical gruff expression and a look of sympathy. She looked down at the ground and curled her lip in reflection. "I see." She said, looking down to the ground. "Listen. I haven't really considered anyone to be my friend, besides Megami. But... don't take this the wrong way. I care about you." She said, looking at me with her gruff look.

"Why?" I asked, putting my hand on my arm.

"You're probably the most benevolent son of a bitch I've ever met. No matter how much times I screwed up, you were always there for me." She said, looking to the side. She let out a sigh, and frowned. "(Y/N)... I wanna say I'm sorry for how I treated you." She said with a bit of melancholy in her voice.

I had a flat effect on my face. It really surprised me hearing someone like Aoi apologize. I looked down to the floor before responded. "It's... okay. You don't need to apologize for anything." I added on.

She gave me a small smile. That smile really shook me in a way. She patted me on the shoulder then walked inside, leaving me confused. I blushed slightly. I couldn't believe Aoi felt something for me. I knew she could be a bit of a dick sometimes, but seeing her like this...

That was a whole other story.


Shiromi and I were sitting on the rooftop of the School. It was about 6:00pm, and the sun was starting to go down. We sat at the very top of the school, staring off into the sunset. Shiromi cuddled her head on my shoulder as the sky turned orange-pink. 

I sighed. "Something about this weather... Makes me happy, in a way." I said, emotionlessly.

"You're telling me. It kinda reminds me of you. Bright, but dark. You're quite the complicated character, you know that right?" She asked, playfully.

I just scoffed. "I ain't that complicated. I'm just someone who plays their part." I replied.

Shiromi looked at me with that same smile of hers. "You're pretty darn good at it too." She said.

That made me blush a bit. "Gee... I wouldn't say that I'm, "that good" at it..." I responded.

Shiromi sighed. "C'mon, Sloppy. You know I hate seeing ya doubt yourself." She said.

I smiled weakly and looked down to the side. "I don't wanna sound overbearing. I ain't that type of person." I replied.

Shiromi just giggled. "Oh you. Always so humble. That's one of the things I love about you." She said.

That sent a feeling of warmth though my body. Shiromi always knew the right things to say. Even when I was at my worse. I could say that I admired her more than she admired me. Everyone tells me that I'm overtly modest. I didn't really know what to say to that. All I cared about was helping out the Council and everybody in the school. It gave me a sense of purpose.

 Shiromi and I cuddled together and watched the sun go down. I looked at her without turning my head. She smelled like plastic, and her hair felt so fluffy. I purred in delight.

Maybe things were shaping up for me. But something else seemed to be missing. I couldn't put my finger on it...

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