๑ i'm gonna freeze my balls off, pt. 2

Start from the beginning

[name] gently took off his hat and put it on sanji instead, making the blonde sleepily look up at him.

"ah, thanks, [name]," he said softly, sleep invading his system before he could get another word out.

[name] chuckled, watching how easy it was for sanji to doze off. when he looked up at the sky and noticed it was almost a full moon, he smiled softly and took it upon himself to cuddle into sanji's side.

the blonde wasn't awake to notice as he unconsciously pressed himself closer to [name]'s side as well, navigating towards the natural body heat. even if [name] was colder than he usually was, he guessed it was more comforting that the cold wind that was breezing through.

[name] spread open the blanket that was once only covering him, fighting back the urge to shiver, and made sure it covered him and sanji completely.

he stayed awake the whole rest of the night. he was too cold to sleep and he didn't want anything to happen to the ship while he was supposed to be on look out.

that'd only prove his incompetence to the rest of the crew. and he already had so much to prove for himself, he didn't want to ruin this chance.

so he calmly watched as the moon rotated through the sky, until the gentle rays of the sun greeted his vision. chewing on the coffee beans also helped him not get too worked up on his lack of sleep.

the first sound he heard in the morning, though, was a loud banging coming from below them.

he left the blanket to completely cover sanji, unknowingly waking the blonde up as he got up. sanji was resting his head on [name]'s shoulder while he was sleeping, so the sudden loss of his pillow made him slowly blink open his eyes.

plus the body heat that was comforting him also went away.

"you're up early, usopp," [name] yawned, leaning over the edge and watching the sniper.

"oh! that's where you were, [name], was wondering why you weren't sleeping in the room with us last night," usopp said, in a rather cheerful voice despite it being so early. he continued smacking away at repairing merry, "i can't just sit around and do nothing!" usopp answered, "we gotta get out of this jam as quick as possible!"

[name] smiled gently, resting his cheek on his palm as he watched usopp work. sanji blinked slowly, waking up and coming to his senses. he was warmer than he was when he fell asleep and he noticed it was due to the extra, thick layer of blankets that were surrounding him.

the first thing he reached for within the comforts of his warm cocoon was a cigarette and his box of matches.

at the sound of the matches being struck against the box, [name] turned around. a sleepy smile was on his face and sanji noticed that his hair was a bit more ruffled. he assumed it was because of his sleep, but it was really just the cold breeze that made it go out of place.

"good morning, sanji!" [name] cheerfully replied.

"wow, you're annoyingly energetic," sanji said, puffing out smoke, "morning, [name],"

the greeting made [name] grin in return and, like a butterfly effect, it made sanji's lips slowly curl into a hidden smile. sanji made his grin stay hidden behind his hands, but [name] wasn't even looking for long as he soon directed his vision to usopp once more.

the two stayed in the crow's nest for a while, [name] watching usopp work and sanji preserving the heat he had acquired overnight. when the sun came to warm them, to some extent, [name] decided that he'd check in on nami.

he left sanji up in the crow's nest, going down with ease and gently patting usopp on the back. the sniper appreciated it, humming in thanks as he continued tirelessly working on repairs.

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