"Mother" and Daughter talk

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Lucky P.O.V:

    Papa sit in my bed, and I follow him. I asked why he was in my room, and he said he wanted to talk about something with me.

"Are you, angry with your dad because he grounded you?"

"Ofc, I did. I didn't do anything bad, I was studying for my exam, the next day. And he never told me to not, record it. How was I supposed to know?"

"(Chuckle) I know, your dad can be a little bit hard sometimes, but he did that for your own good."

    Papa start to stroking my hair, and tell me asked any questions I want to know.

"Papa, what do u think, about dad?"

"Is that all?"

"Not rlly, so many things I want to know. But, I think, I'll just start with one question."

"Alr, I think ur dad is an amazing person, caring and also..." Papa stop there as his face, turn red a little.

    I know what he was about to said, so I said what I thought. "Very handsome? Hmp~~" I said jokingly, "u naughty girl." Papa said, as he get up.

    "Where r u going?" I asked, "No where, I'm just seeing, photos." I did have, some photos in my bedroom but, it wasn't that much.

"Papa, I have another question. Can I asked it?
"Ofc, sweetie. What is it?"
"Why did u guys, gave me name "Lucky"?

    Papa stop look at the photos, an look at me. At first I was scared, I thought I shouldn't asked that, but then papa smiled at me. "Just wait until ur 16th birthday, and we will tell you. Alr?" "But why? My 16th birthday ware, next year... Hmp."
"My, little grumpy girl."


*Meanwhile At Bay And Kiri's House*

Kiri's P.O.V:
After I said what, we all heard from what Lucky record my parents look shock as me when I heard it. While Bay, his face were red as tomato. "Wtf Kiri, u should just stay quiet." Bay said, "Not my fault, u didn't tell me." I said to him as I rolled my eyes.

    "Both of you, stop it." Papa said, "But he/she-" I paused there, did Bay and I said that at the same time? "Right Now." Papa continue, and oh god... I forgot how scary papa become when he was mad. "Y-yes, Sir." I said, and... I'm in trouble. "One thing Bay, without you realising... you made Lucky's innocence disappear." Dad said, he got point there Lucky is very innocence for her age tho, I mean she's 15 how could she still have her innocence? 

    "I'll head to my room now, good night." As I was leaving, Bay suddenly grabbed my wrist and looked at me. "Why the rush?" I didn't feel like talking to my brother right now, so I didn't answer and tried to forcefully remove my wrist.

    Which end up made, me hurt myself. "ARGH... Wtf Bay... Next time, whatever happend next was ur fault."

(Warning: This is maybe and angst for the siblings, I k this is nonsense)

"So u mean, ur scar's also my fault? I'm telling u my dearest sister it's not my fault, that u c*T ur own hand."

"What do u k about me? U hardly talk to me, when we still in middle school and high school... All u care was ur study."

"Bc my study was important for me."

"So I'm not important to u?"

"That's not-"

"Save it..."

After i said that , I left the room and storm to my room.

    Inside, i look at my arm, and saw some old scar that I made years ago... There's like more that 10 scar that I made,
Each of them were deep. When I look at my desk, I saw a knife a small but very sharp knife. I took it, then I lifted up my sleeve and look at my hand.

"Look like, I'm gonna made another scar, Huh?"



No one P.O.V:
"U k u weren't allowed to, hold a knife when u weren't cooking... Remember?" A voice said, when Kiri look who said that.

    It was Kan, he gently took the knife from Kiri's hand, and put it away. Then he look at his daughter, "Sorry." She mumbled, Kan lay her on his lap as he stroke Kiri's long black hair.

"Are u angry, with ur brother?"

"Maybe... More like, I was... Idk."

"I k u were sad, bc Bay never had time for u, but... It was also ur fault. U k?"

    Kiri look at Kan. Kan look at her with soft smile in his face, they were staring at each other for few moments, Kiri then turn her face away from his papa, so he wouldn't see her tears.

"I k u were crying, sweetie. You can't always be the strongest, Sometimes you need to let all out.''

"*Sniff* What, did he know about self harm? He never get bullied in high school, the only time we ever talk with each other was, *sniff* when he moved out (to other city).

"Do u k, why he wanted to become a police?"

"Bc, he wanted to like pop (grandpa {Blay's father})?"

"Actually, there's 2 reason. One is that you just said, and second bc he wanted to protect you."



"Papa, am I in trouble bc... U k... Um....."

"I suppose, but bc u didn't get a chance to let that knife touch ur skin, u were save this time, but... If one of our family members, see u c*t ur hand again, u were in a very big trouble. Understood?"

"Yes papa."

"Now, do u want to get up, or... U like to be like this for a few more moment?"

"I think, I want to like this for few more moment."

"Even though, u all grown up, u still my little girl."

    Kiri just chuckle to what her papa said. She just lay in Kan's lap, she love this moment. And whitout them knowing, Bay and Blay a was listening to their conversation.

    "See, they were fine." Blay said, as he look at his son. Bay look at his father with some tears in his eyes, "Ig I did need, to spend more time with her, huh?" Bay said, "How about, you and her go to the old park that, you and Kiri used to visit when, you still little?" Blay suggested, and Bay like the idea.

   He then said goodnight, to his father then walk to his old room. As he open the door, he step inside and look at some old picture that his sister used to take. He smiled at each of them, but when he look at one picture that have his grandpa, he cried a little bc, that was the last picture that Kiri take before his grandpa died.


Word: 1142

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