Uncontrolled magic

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Lucky P.O.V:

    "Pur hurry up, or I'm gonna be late!!" I said, after everything happened me and Pur have a new star, Pur had a boyfriend and his boyfriend don't care if he a magician, and I'm happy for him.

    "Good morning kiddo's" dad said, "morning dad, morning papa" I said and give my parents a big hug, we all sit and eat breakfast together. "So anything to do in ur first day, sweetie?" Papa asked.

   "Maybe I'm gonna meet my friend and hanging out with them" Pur said, "The friend he mean was, his lovely boyfriend~" I said with giggle *tickle Lucky* "Hahahaha S-stop, hahaha Pur please" "Nope, because u deserve it"

  "Pur stop it" Papa said "alright" and finally Pur stop tickling me, we finished our breakfast. And Pur ask papa permission to used the motorcycle and luckily papa agre.

At Lucky's School
    "Remember Kiky, to not use your magic" Pur said with a serious stare, I nodded and walk to my scholl, before leaving I give Pur a hug "See ya later big brother"

At Lucky's School    "Remember Kiky, to not use your magic" Pur said with a serious stare, I nodded and walk to my scholl, before leaving I give Pur a hug "See ya later big brother"

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(Art by RKW/RayaKittyWriter *Me* I'm really bad at this 😢)

I said, I can see that Pur kinda shock because, I never call him like that, I only call him big brother if I wanna tease him or something happened to me.

No one P.O.V:
    After Lucky put her thing in her locker, she went to class and looking for an empathy desk after finding her desk she sit down and read her favourite book.

    The bell ringing and everyone went to their own class.

At Pur school:
Pur P.O.V:
    After I put my thing in my locker, I walk to my class and suddenly someone's close my eyes "What the-, who is this?!" I asked kinda angry, "guess who" I recognise this voice "Bay?"

    "Correct" after he remove his hand from my eye I can see him and our other friends "Good morning everyone" "morning" They said (everyone he mean was Bay, Lang, Din, Oti, and Sac). "So, anything to do after school?" Lang asked "Get some ice cream?" Din say "Sound fun".

    "Btw Bay, where's Kiri?" Oti asked, right at that moment someone call Bay "Bay!!!" It was Kiri, Bay little sister. She run to Bay and hug him "Okay, that's enough little sis, u can stop hug me now" (stop hugging Kiri).

   "Oh, good morning Pur, how's Lucky's doing?" She asked "Morning, and she's doing fine" "Great to know. So, any plan after school?" Kiri asked "We planing to get some ice cream after school, do u wanna join?" Oti say "Sound fun, I'm in" She said.

     Idk why but, I had a bad felling about Lucky she's not usually call me big brother, she only call me like that anytime something happened to her, I just hope she's fine.

With Lucky:
No one P.O.V:
     Lucky was sitting under the tree and reading her favourite book, she's so focused with the book and didn't notice that someone is watching her.

    When she finish reading the book, someone grab her by her arm "WHAT THE!!! LET ME GO" She scream, they bring Lucky to behind school building, so no one gonna know.

Lucky P.O.V:
    Idk what I did, or why they bring me here but I had a bad felling for this. "WHO ARE YOU, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!" I scream "Calm down little girl, or should I say little magician!!?" I was so shocked, because no one know that I was a magician.

   "IF YOU WANT MY MAGIC, I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU!!" I scream again, there's no way I'm gonna let this people get my magic. "Relax magician girl it won't hurt, at all" the guy walk closer to me, I try to fight back but. I can't "BIG BROTHER!!! HELP ME!!!" I scream harder than before.

Pur P.O.V:
    I was walking with my friend and then I stopped idk why but, I fell like Lucky need me. "What's wrong Pur?" Din asked, everyone seems kinda worried. "PUR!!!" Kiri scream and run to our duration, she kinda tired because of running.

  "What's wrong, Kiri r u alright?" Bay asked, after taking a breath she finally talk "U guys won't believe what I just saw" "What is it?" I asked, she then tell us that made me shocked. "So when I was walk to a grocery store (her teacher tell her to buy something) I saw someone's he was talking to a girl, and that girl was Lucky. And he know about her magic a-and-" "What?! Tell me what happened to my sister, Kiri tell me?!" "Someone's try to kill her" Kiri said made all of us so shock.

   "Pur where r u going!!?" I've run from my scholl and drive my motorcycle to Lucky's school. When I arrive her school I searched everywhere for her, I even ask teacher but it's no use.

   She was nowhere to be found, I almost give up but then I heard something "big brother" it's Lucky's voice, but it's weak.

Lucky P.O.V:
     I can't fell body, the only thing I can fell was pain. "So little magician r u give up?" The guy said, and then he step closer to me I don't have any energy left, so I can't fight and I close my eyes waiting for the worst happens.

    When he almost touch me someone scream "DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" When I open my eyes I see my brother, he so angry and star to punch the guy, his minion try to punch him back but they failed.

    Ig the only thing he can see was red and the guy try to made him black out with a rock. And something inside me made me use my magic, I take the guy down and I can't control my magic anymore, I don't remember what happened, the only thing I can remember that I passed out.

     When I woke up, I was already in the hospital. I was looking around the room and I saw my parents sleeping in the couch, my friend was also in there but, they all fall asleep (Kiri, Bay, Lang, Din, Sac, and Oti).

     I try to stand up and sitting in the bed, and thankfully I still had energy. I try to wake Kiri up, she sleep on chair next to my bed "Kiri" I whisper.

The journey of a magician girl (YeosM)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat