chapter two!

682 53 61

may, 1977

THIS party sucked ass.

It was nearly the end of sixth year, and Vera had had just about enough of everything. She was at a party and she was sober. She couldn't remember the last time she had gone to a party and hadn't wanted to get drunk.

She was so utterly bored. Nora was off snogging some pretentious arse she would end up hooking up with and forgetting about in a couple of hours, while Adonis was flashing his cocky, dimpled grin at a group of girls who would probably fight over who got to see the inside of his bedroom at the end of the night.

It was a little depressing how Vera pretty much only spent her time with her best friend and her twin brother. Sure, she had other friends.

But she didn't have friends.

Other than Nora and Adonis, there was no one whom she felt the need to hang out with. Yes, she liked to take people to bed, but that was entirely different than wanting to actually speak with them. The only words she needed to tell them were how to get her off.

Despite being one of the most popular girls in school, Vera hated to admit that sometimes she got lonely.

Not in the way where she wasn't surrounded by people—because she always was—but in the way where even in a crowded room, everyone felt like a stranger. Someone who viewed her as an object, something to be used to get what they wanted.

She was so fucking sick and tired of it.

This was the reason she refused to fall for anyone. Everyone was so fake and just wanted her either for her body or her popularity. She used to not mind it but then a guy she fooled around with last year told everyone she was just another slut begging for attention.

Safe to say he dropped out of school quickly after Adonis found out.

Regardless, the damage was done, and now she was bored of it all.

No one interested her anymore.

The sound of a muggle band's song in the background reached her ears—courtesy of Sirius Black—as she began to move toward the exit of the Gryffindor common room, eager for an escape.

As she started walking, an arm brushed against hers. She turned her head to see Marlene McKinnon's dark gaze on her, lips quirked up into her signature smug smile. Vera's responding smirk was automatic, her mood lifted.

"You look a little lost, Archer," the blonde teased.

Vera hummed, gaze trailing her figure before locking onto light green irises. "Not as lost as you most definitely were when you chose to wear that skirt to this party."

Marlene scoffed. "What the fuck is wrong with my skirt?" Then she smirked. "Or are you just jealous of my hot legs?"

"Jealous as hell," Vera agreed. "Except my envy faded when I saw that polka dot design that only first years wouldn't be embarrassed to wear."

She was lying, of course. Marlene looked gorgeous in anything she wore, even if it was an outdated, hideous style that shouldn't logically look good on anyone.

Marlene's smirk widened. "Clearly, you're speaking out of jealousy of the person who gets to rip it off tonight and see what's underneath."

Snorting, Vera replied, "Darling, I've already seen it all. There's nothing to be jealous of when I could say one word and the person ripping that skirt off will be me."

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