⚡his pov⚡

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Leeknow's pov•

Going back to her I'm thinking how she makes me smile, how we cuddle, expensive dinner dates, valentine's gifts and moments

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Going back to her I'm thinking how she makes me smile, how we cuddle, expensive dinner dates, valentine's gifts and moments.
We don't have s3x often but when we do it's intense.
I can't wait to marry her.
I know she'd be annoyed I didn't pick her calls, not because I was busy but because I was pretending. 😏

We have so many cute moments I wanna keep them in a jar and turn them into a cat like soondoongdori!



No one's pov•

(hyunjin and felix staring at him)

Lix: what happened Hyung? Share with us ?

Hyunjin: he's probably thinking about Chan Hyung!

Minho: no I'm not😹 I'm thinking about....

*HyunLix staring at him*

MiNhO: abOut sOoniE hahahahaha. So funny cat!!

HyunLix: ooooooohhhh

Felix: so how's Kim y/n ? Y'all didn't break up right?
Hyunjin: why would you say that bokie?

Minho: no way she's the best! I'm going to meet her soon.

Felix: oooh now I know why you were laughing....
Minho: no way-_-
Lix: oh way!

Hyunjin: why am I blushing?

Minho: you need a gf too!

Felix: btw danceracha wow was such a HIT!
HyunHo: yes!!!!

Lee Minho "Seduce Her" pt2 Where stories live. Discover now