The Galaxy Eleven

Start from the beginning

"It's not Earth Eleven. It's Galaxy Eleven!"


"We Earthlings feel the same as you guys! We're a team of people from all sorts of different planets who came together!"

"I don't care what you name yourselves." Ozrock kept his smirk up. "I will destroy every last one of you."

"Another uproar as players are switched again! The score is currently 6-4 with Ixal Fleet in the lead! How will Galaxy Eleven fight when they're wounded all over?!"


After helping Barga over to the side, he came face to face with Ichikawa, who was being supported by Shindou.

"Please allow me to say this one thing. Not as your teammate, but as another one of Kimiko-san's students."


"Fight with all that you have, all that you are. Win, save the galaxy... and bring her back to us."

He stared at him with wide eyes for a good while. Those words, that tone... I see. "So it's like that, is it?"

A wry smile came in return. "I apologize, but yes. Even though I know it is a hopeless road for myself, it is 'like that'."

"What's hopeless?"

"Like what?"

He could feel the stares from the rest of the team, questioning just what it is they were talking about.

He felt a little awkward now. "There's no real reason for you to apologize, is there? These kinds of things just happen."

"I suppose you are right. Still, I felt that I should at least let you know, I will not get in your way. I only have the intention of being honest, but in order to do so..."

"Yeah, I get it. We'll definitely get her back. Not that anything else was ever an option, though."

"That is true."

He patted his shoulder once. "You should focus on resting up. You can't perform if you get too hurt, right?"


"... You're the one who invited us to one of your shows, remember?"

Red eyes suddenly seemed to shine. Perhaps he nearly did forget, but even then, it's definitely this whole space bullshit's fault and not his. "I shall be sure to reserve the best seats for you two."

"Heh. Looking forward to it."

As they took their positions in the pitch, Tenma was the one to catch up next to him and ask, "Tsurugi, what was all that about? Something about Kimiko?"

"You could say that..." He didn't know how much he wanted to open up right before the match was going to start.

"Long-story-short, Ichikawa got rejected before he could even confess, so now he's playing wingman for Tsurugi." Matatagi spoke up from behind them, a bored expression on his face. "Seriously, it's not that hard to get."

You could still be a little more courteous about it! As much as he wanted to snap back, Tsurugi kept his face neutral.

"Rejected? Wingman?"

This is so not the time for this!

"Tenma, save the galaxy first. Everything else comes after."

Determination returned to the captain's grey eyes. "Right!"

"You better stay focused too." Matatagi stared at him from the corner of his eye as they took their positions side by side.

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