Chapter 3: Somniphobia

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"I forgot to say this, but that was a lovely performance yesterday, Minoru."


"You... seem to put more effort into the piano more than anything else in school. You showed me your grades, and you're on the brink of failing. Why are you letting that happen?"


"... Are you even listening to me?"



Minoru's unattentive mind was suddenly interrupted when the girl walking beside him had enough and flicked his cheek, making him flinch in surprise.

"Gah! Yeah, yeah I am!"

"Then look like it damnit!"

He's only been walking with her to school for a week at this point, but he already felt used to Akane being by his side as they went through their respective days. And when he says being by his side, he means her chatting for the both of them while he nods along and puts the bare minimum into responses until she notices, in which case he'll try a little harder for a few minutes before repeating his neglect.

"You know, you're the one that insists on walking to school together. I remember where you live, you're really going out of your way to make this happen."


Akane's anger comes to a sudden halt and her face goes red at the response. He could almost see the steam coming from her ears, she must know that Minoru has a point.


She turned her head to look away from him, focusing on the street they were walking down. Ever since the 'incident', Akane had seemed to make a complete flip in her behavior towards Minoru. The fake smiles that were obviously betrayed by her eyes full of contempt were now replaced by smiles of genuine happiness, and eyes showing nothing but goodwill. If that wasn't enough, she also started to engage more in conversation with him before, during, and after class. Not to mention her watching him practice the piano afterschool. To put it simply, Akane Nishino has developed an interest in him, and he has no clue why or how to deal with it.

Turning another corner, the two were almost at school, where they would be greeted by the same people waving and yelling out for her while ignoring Minoru. At first he was worried about the consequences of being around a main character this frequently, as doing that would be a pretty good way to lose his background character privileges. Fortunately, however, it seemed nobody cared much about this change in dynamic, with the exception of some dirty looks he noticed coming from some of the other boys.

"Minoru, I have a question if you don't mind me asking."

"Sure, go ahead."

He noticed Akane turning her head to look at him again, showing a little curiosity.

"Why don't you speak with anyone in school? You only speak when spoken to or asked a question. I've never seen you actually hold a conversation with any other person in the building. Besides... well... me..."

Minoru resisted the urge to laugh at the question.

Yeah, I only talk to you because you're special. It's totally not because you're the only one that tries to back me into a corner where I have to hold a conversation with you before I have the chance to excuse myself, you goddamn main character!

"I don't see any reason to."

"Is... Is that it?"

"Did you want an elaborate answer?"

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